Errors in Emergency and Trauma Radiology
暫譯: 急診與創傷放射學中的錯誤
Patlas, Michael N., Katz, Douglas S., Scaglione, Mariano
- 出版商: Springer
- 出版日期: 2019-03-27
- 售價: $5,200
- 貴賓價: 9.5 折 $4,940
- 語言: 英文
- 頁數: 245
- 裝訂: Hardcover - also called cloth, retail trade, or trade
- ISBN: 3030055477
- ISBN-13: 9783030055479
Michael N. Patlas, MD, FRCPC, FSAR, is a Professor of Radiology and Emergency/Trauma Division Chief at the McMaster University, Hamilton, ON, Canada. He has authored over 185 peer-reviewed papers, chapters, and abstracts and edited two books. Dr. Patlas is a Program Chair for the Annual Meeting of the Canadian Association of Radiologists. He is a Vice-President of the Ontario Association of Radiologists. Dr. Patlas is an editorial board member for Emergency Radiology, Current Problems in Diagnostic Radiology, and Annals of Clinical & Laboratory Science, and a reviewer for ten journals. He has received multiple accolades for his research and clinical activities, including a Young Investigator Award from the Canadian Association of Radiologists, the Hamilton Health Sciences Medical Staff Association President's Award for Distinguished Service, McMaster University Academic Radiologist of the Year, and fourteen awards from the RSNA. He is an honoured Fellow of the Society of Abdominal Radiology.
Douglas S. Katz, MD, FACR, FASER, FSAR (Fellow of the American College of Radiology, the American Society of Emergency Radiology, and the Society of Abdominal Radiology), has been the Director of Body Imaging and Vice Chair for Clinical Research and Education at Winthrop University Hospital (now NYU Winthrop Hospital), Mineola, Long Island, New York, USA since 1999, and as of late 2018 is now Vice Chair of Research at that institution. He has also been Professor of Radiology at the State University of New York at Stony Brook's School of Medicine since 2003. He has co-authored more than 800 publications (H index: 42; i10 index 134) and abstracts, as well as three books, several syllabi, and multiple book chapters. He has been attending of the year five times at his institution and is a past president of the Long Island Radiological Society. More recently, he has received top awards from his institution and medical school, including alumnus of the year in 2012 (Stony Brook), top academic honors from Winthrop in 2014, and the top teaching award from Stony Brook in 2017, the Aesculapius Award. He has been a three-time Honored Educator of the Radiological Society of North America, most recently in 2018. He currently holds or has held multiple roles in radiology organizations locally, regionally, nationally, and internationally.
Mariano Scaglione, MD, is Head of the Radiology Department at Pineta Grande Hospital, Castel Volturno, Italy and also a Consultant Radiologist at the Sunderland Royal Hospital, UK. Dr. Scaglione is frequently an invited speaker at international meetings, where he has delivered more than 100 presentations. He has published more than 120 papers, edited 12 books, and been the primary author for 32 book chapters. He has also been the Guest Editor of four themed Emergency Radiology issues in various radiology journals (Eur J Radiol 2006 and 2008, Radiol Med 2015, and BJR 2016). He is an editorial board member for many Radiology journals, including Emergency Radiology, the official journal of the ASER. Dr. Scaglione was Chairman for the Emergency Radiology Subcommittee at ECR in 2012, President of the Italian College of Emergency Radiology SIRM from 2010 to 2014, and ESER President from 2015 to 2017.
Michael N. Patlas, MD, FRCPC, FSAR 是加拿大安大略省漢密爾頓麥克馬斯特大學的放射學教授及急診/創傷科主任。他已發表超過185篇經過同行評審的論文、章節和摘要,並編輯了兩本書籍。Patlas博士是加拿大放射科醫師協會年會的計畫主席,也是安大略省放射科醫師協會的副會長。他是《Emergency Radiology》、《Current Problems in Diagnostic Radiology》和《Annals of Clinical & Laboratory Science》的編輯委員會成員,並擔任十本期刊的審稿人。他因其研究和臨床活動獲得多項榮譽,包括加拿大放射科醫師協會的青年研究者獎、漢密爾頓健康科學醫療人員協會總統卓越服務獎、麥克馬斯特大學年度學術放射科醫師獎,以及來自RSNA的十四項獎項。他是腹部放射學會的榮譽會士。
Douglas S. Katz, MD, FACR, FASER, FSAR(美國放射學會、美國急診放射學會及腹部放射學會的會士)自1999年以來一直擔任紐約長島溫思羅普大學醫院(現為NYU Winthrop Hospital)身體影像部主任及臨床研究與教育副主任,並於2018年底成為該機構的研究副主任。他自2003年以來也擔任紐約州立大學石溪校區醫學院的放射學教授。他共同撰寫了超過800篇出版物(H指數:42;i10指數134)和摘要,以及三本書籍、幾個教學大綱和多個書章。他在其機構中五次獲得年度出席醫師獎,並曾擔任長島放射學會的會長。最近,他獲得了來自其機構和醫學院的多項最高獎項,包括2012年的年度校友獎(石溪校區)、2014年溫思羅普的最高學術榮譽,以及2017年石溪校區的最高教學獎Aesculapius獎。他曾三次獲得北美放射學會的榮譽教育者獎,最近一次是在2018年。他目前在地方、區域、國家和國際的放射學組織中擔任或曾擔任多個職位。
Mariano Scaglione, MD 是意大利卡斯特爾沃爾圖諾的Pineta Grande醫院放射科主任,同時也是英國桑德蘭皇家醫院的顧問放射科醫師。Scaglione博士經常受邀在國際會議上發言,並已發表超過100次演講。他已發表超過120篇論文,編輯了12本書籍,並擔任32本書章的主要作者。他還曾擔任多本放射學期刊(如Eur J Radiol 2006和2008、Radiol Med 2015及BJR 2016)中四期主題急診放射學的客座編輯。他是多本放射學期刊的編輯委員會成員,包括ASER的官方期刊《Emergency Radiology》。Scaglione博士於2012年擔任ECR急診放射學小組的主席,並於2010至2014年擔任意大利急診放射學會SIRM的會長,2015至2017年擔任ESER會長。