SAP OpenUI5 for Mobile BI and Analytics
暫譯: SAP OpenUI5 用於行動商業智慧與分析

Raquel Seville

  • 出版商: CreateSpace Independ
  • 出版日期: 2017-09-08
  • 售價: $1,700
  • 貴賓價: 9.5$1,615
  • 語言: 英文
  • 頁數: 294
  • 裝訂: Paperback
  • ISBN: 197460876X
  • ISBN-13: 9781974608768
  • 相關分類: SAP
  • 海外代購書籍(需單獨結帳)


The increased adoption of HTML5 has created the opportunity for developers to build applications that work seamlessly across multiple devices and browsers. This expert guide covers the foundations of CSS, HTML5 and jQuery, as well as a broad range of topics from design thinking, testing, optimization, security, graphs, maps and databases. All of these help you to build a seamless mobile business intelligence (SAP BI) app using HTML5, leveraging the cohesiveness of SAP OpenUI5. Explore why design thinking should sit at the core of your mobile application. Compare and contrast using native versus web-based applications. Explore the tools available to develop mobile apps, as well as easily write HTML5 code from scratch. Learn how to create a reusable skeleton code framework that you can leverage on future projects, as well as how to build web apps using SAP OpenUI5. Explore considerations for an effective security and privacy strategy. Acquire best practices on how to test and enhance your HTML5 site by enabling compression, caching, and optimizing your images. In addition to practice exercises, this book includes free sample layout options for different mobile devices and an OpenUI5 Starter Kit. By using practical examples, tips, and screenshots, the author brings the building of mobile BI apps to life.
- Delve into the foundations of CSS, HTML5, and jQuery
- Learn how to build a seamless mobile BI app using SAP OpenUI5
- Use open source library d3.js to create custom data visualizations for bar, line, and pie charts
- Build web apps using real world scenarios and test layout options for different mobile devices


隨著 HTML5 的廣泛採用,開發者有機會建立能夠在多個設備和瀏覽器上無縫運行的應用程式。本專家指南涵蓋了 CSS、HTML5 和 jQuery 的基礎知識,以及設計思維、測試、優化、安全性、圖表、地圖和資料庫等廣泛主題。所有這些都幫助您使用 HTML5 建立無縫的行動商業智慧 (SAP BI) 應用程式,並利用 SAP OpenUI5 的一致性。探索為什麼設計思維應該成為您行動應用程式的核心。比較和對比使用原生應用程式與基於網頁的應用程式。探索可用於開發行動應用程式的工具,以及如何從零開始輕鬆編寫 HTML5 代碼。學習如何創建可重用的骨架代碼框架,以便在未來的專案中利用,以及如何使用 SAP OpenUI5 建立網頁應用程式。探索有效的安全性和隱私策略的考量。獲取最佳實踐,了解如何通過啟用壓縮、快取和優化圖像來測試和增強您的 HTML5 網站。除了實踐練習外,本書還包括針對不同行動設備的免費樣本佈局選項和 OpenUI5 入門套件。通過實用的範例、提示和截圖,作者使行動 BI 應用程式的構建變得生動有趣。
- 深入了解 CSS、HTML5 和 jQuery 的基礎
- 學習如何使用 SAP OpenUI5 建立無縫的行動 BI 應用程式
- 使用開源庫 d3.js 創建自定義數據可視化的條形圖、折線圖和圓餅圖
- 使用真實世界場景建立網頁應用程式並測試不同行動設備的佈局選項