Autodesk Revit 2025: Collaboration Tools (Imperial Units)
暫譯: Autodesk Revit 2025:協作工具(英制單位)
Ascent - Center for Technical Knowledge
Autodesk(R) Revit(R) is a Building Information Modeling (BIM) tool, which can be used by more than one person working on a new project. This is an important feature in collaboration within a project, between projects, and with other users, firms, and disciplines.
The objective of the Autodesk(R) Revit(R) 2025: Collaboration Tools guide is to enable users who have a basic knowledge of Autodesk Revit to increase their productivity while working with other people on a team, either in the same firm or other firms as well as with other disciplines. It also covers linking Autodesk Revit files and linking or importing other CAD files. Practices are available for each of the primary disciplines covered by Autodesk Revit: architecture, MEP, and structure.
Topics Covered
- Set up project phasing
- Use groups
- Create and display a variety of design options
- Link Autodesk Revit files
- Use multi-discipline coordination, including Copy/Monitor and Coordination Review
- Import and export CAD and raster files, including exporting Revit models for energy analysis
- Understand, use, and set up worksharing in a server-based environment
- Access to the 2025.0 version of the software, to ensure compatibility with this guide. Future software updates that are released by Autodesk may include changes that are not reflected in this guide. The practices and files included with this guide might not be compatible with prior versions (e.g., 2024).
- Users should be comfortable with the fundamentals of Autodesk Revit as taught in Autodesk Revit: Fundamentals for Architecture, Autodesk Revit: Fundamentals for MEP, or Autodesk Revit: Fundamentals for Structure. Knowledge of basic techniques is assumed, such as creating typical elements, copying and moving objects, creating and working with views, etc.
Autodesk® Revit® 是一款建築資訊建模(BIM)工具,可以讓多位使用者共同參與新專案的工作。這是專案內部、專案之間以及與其他使用者、公司和學科之間協作的重要功能。
《Autodesk® Revit® 2025: 協作工具》指南的目標是使具備基本 Autodesk Revit 知識的使用者在與團隊中的其他人(無論是同一公司還是其他公司)以及其他學科合作時,提高生產力。該指南還涵蓋了連結 Autodesk Revit 檔案以及連結或匯入其他 CAD 檔案的內容。指南中提供了針對 Autodesk Revit 涵蓋的主要學科(建築、機電、結構)的實作練習。
- 設定專案階段
- 使用群組
- 創建和顯示各種設計選項
- 連結 Autodesk Revit 檔案
- 使用多學科協調,包括複製/監控和協調檢閱
- 匯入和匯出 CAD 和光柵檔案,包括匯出 Revit 模型以進行能量分析
- 理解、使用並設定基於伺服器的工作共享
- 需訪問 2025.0 版本的軟體,以確保與本指南的相容性。Autodesk 未來發布的軟體更新可能包含本指南中未反映的變更。本指南中包含的實作和檔案可能與先前版本(例如 2024)不相容。
- 使用者應對 Autodesk Revit 的基本知識感到熟悉,這些知識在《Autodesk Revit: 建築基礎》、《Autodesk Revit: 機電基礎》或《Autodesk Revit: 結構基礎》中有教授。假設使用者具備基本技術知識,例如創建典型元素、複製和移動物件、創建和使用視圖等。