The Shrine Thief

Mathieu, W. A.

  • 出版商: Terra Nova Press
  • 出版日期: 2024-03-12
  • 售價: $1,160
  • 貴賓價: 9.5$1,102
  • 語言: 英文
  • 頁數: 320
  • 裝訂: Quality Paper - also called trade paper
  • ISBN: 1949597296
  • ISBN-13: 9781949597295
  • 下單後立即進貨 (約1週~2週)



A renowned musician in his 85th year explores the nature of wisdom, how we learn to recognize it, and how we pass it forward.

In this entrancing memoir, timeless questions about music and life are explored by a master musician in his 85th year. The stern father who built an empire of words; the solipsistic uncle whose hypnotic voice calmed millions: these are just early glimpses of Mathieu's memory. Soon he is crimped into an overhead baggage rack in Stan Kenton's tour bus as scenes of scotch-soaked melancholy play out below; he is sharing late-night quarts of ice cream with Duke Ellington in his hotel room; he is co-inventing improvisational theater at Chicago's Second City with Alan Arkin and Mike Nichols; he is receiving the title of Sufi sheikh from an heir of Inayat Khan; and he is gleaning wisdom from a woman bundling firewood in Bali.

In prose at once wry and lyrical, Mathieu carries the reader through the adventures and misadventures of a scintillating and deeply examined life.



在這本迷人的回憶錄中,一位85歲的大師音樂家探索了關於音樂和生活的永恆問題。嚴厲的父親建立了一個詞語帝國;自我中心的叔叔用他催眠般的聲音安撫了數百萬人:這些只是馬修記憶中的早期片段。很快,他被塞進斯坦·肯頓(Stan Kenton)的巡演巴士的頂架上,下面是充滿蘇格蘭威士忌的憂鬱場景;他在杜克·艾靈頓(Duke Ellington)的飯店房間裡與他分享深夜的冰淇淋;他與艾倫·阿金(Alan Arkin)和邁克·尼科爾斯(Mike Nichols)一起在芝加哥的第二城市(Second City)共同創造即興劇場;他從伊納亞特·汗(Inayat Khan)的繼承人那裡獲得蘇菲教授的頭銜;他從巴厘島一位捆綁柴火的女人那裡獲得智慧。



William Allaudin Mathieu, a classically trained pianist, composed and arranged on the staff of the Stan Kenton Orchestra at age 21 and was a co-founding member of the Second City Theater at 22. He studied with William Russo, Easley Blackwood, Pandit Pran Nath, and Hamza El Din and taught on the full-time faculty of the San Francisco Conservatory of Music and Mills College. A former columnist for Downbeat and Piano Today, he is the author of five books, including The Listening Book and Harmonic Experience, and has released over thirty albums comprising an astonishing range of music. Since the late 1970s he has lived surrounded by woods, pastures, deer, and birds outside of Sebastopol, California, composing, playing the piano, teaching, and being grateful breath by breath for these golden years with Devi.


威廉·阿拉丁·馬修(William Allaudin Mathieu)是一位受過古典鋼琴訓練的鋼琴家,21歲時在斯坦·肯頓樂團擔任作曲和編曲工作,22歲時成為第二城市劇院的創始成員之一。他曾師從威廉·魯索(William Russo)、伊斯利·布萊克伍德(Easley Blackwood)、帕迪特·普蘭·納斯(Pandit Pran Nath)和哈姆扎·埃爾·丁(Hamza El Din),並在舊金山音樂學院和米爾斯學院擔任全職教職。他曾是《Downbeat》和《Piano Today》的專欄作家,著有五本書,包括《聆聽之書》和《和聲體驗》。他發行了超過三十張專輯,涵蓋了驚人的音樂範疇。自1970年代末以來,他一直居住在加利福尼亞州塞巴斯托波爾外的樹林、牧場、鹿和鳥群中,作曲、彈鋼琴、教學,並對這些與黛維(Devi)共度的黃金歲月心存感激,一息一息地生活著。
