iOS Apprentice Fifth Edition: Beginning iOS development with Swift 3
暫譯: iOS 學徒第五版:使用 Swift 3 開始 iOS 開發 Team, Matthijs Hollemans

  • 出版商: Razeware LLC
  • 出版日期: 2016-12-14
  • 售價: $2,250
  • 貴賓價: 9.5$2,138
  • 語言: 英文
  • 頁數: 760
  • 裝訂: Paperback
  • ISBN: 1942878273
  • ISBN-13: 9781942878278
  • 相關分類: Apple Developer
  • 無法訂購


Learn iPhone and iPad Programming via Tutorials!

If you’re new to iOS or Swift, or to programming in general, learning how to write an app can seem incredibly overwhelming.

That’s why you need a book that:

  • Shows you how to write an app step-by-step
  • Has tons of illustrations and screenshots to make everything clear
  • Is written in a fun and easygoing manner!

In this book, you will l earn how to make your own iPhone and iPad apps, through four engaging, epic-length tutorials.

These hands-on tutorials describe in full detail how to build a new app from scratch. Four tutorials, four apps. Each new app will be a little more advanced than the one before, and together they cover everything you need to know to make your own apps.

By the end of the series you’ll be experienced enough to turn your ideas into real apps that you can sell on the App Store.

Tutorial 1: Bull’s Eye. In the first tutorial in the book, you’ll start off by building a simple but fun game to learn the basics of iPhone programming. In the process, you’ll get familiar with Xcode, Interface Builder, and Swift in an easygoing manner.

Tutorial 2: Checklists. In the second tutorial in the series, you’ll create your own to-do list app. In the process, you’ll learn about the fundamental design patterns that all iOS apps use and about table views, navigation controllers and delegates. Now you’re making apps for real!

Tutorial 3: MyLocations. In the third tutorial, you’ll develop a location-aware app that lets you keep a list of spots that you find interesting. In the process, you’ll learn about Core Location, Core Data, Map Kit, and much more!

Tutorial 4: StoreSearch. Mobile apps often need to talk to web services and that’s what you’ll do in this final tutorial of the book. You’ll make a stylish app for iPhone and iPad that lets you search for products on the iTunes store using HTTP requests and JSON.


學習透過教程進行 iPhone 和 iPad 程式設計!

如果你是 iOS 或 Swift 的新手,或者對程式設計本身不太熟悉,學習如何編寫應用程式可能會讓人感到非常困難。


- 逐步教你如何編寫應用程式
- 擁有大量插圖和截圖,使一切變得清晰
- 以有趣和輕鬆的方式撰寫!

在這本書中,你將通過四個引人入勝的長篇教程學習如何製作自己的 iPhone 和 iPad 應用程式。


在這系列教程結束時,你將有足夠的經驗將你的想法轉化為可以在 App Store 上銷售的真實應用程式。

教程 1:Bull’s Eye。在書中的第一個教程中,你將開始構建一個簡單但有趣的遊戲,以學習 iPhone 程式設計的基本知識。在這個過程中,你將以輕鬆的方式熟悉 Xcode、Interface Builder 和 Swift。

教程 2:Checklists。在系列的第二個教程中,你將創建自己的待辦事項清單應用程式。在這個過程中,你將學習所有 iOS 應用程式使用的基本設計模式,以及表格視圖、導航控制器和代理。現在你真的在製作應用程式了!

教程 3:MyLocations。在第三個教程中,你將開發一個位置感知的應用程式,讓你可以保持一個你覺得有趣的地點清單。在這個過程中,你將學習 Core Location、Core Data、Map Kit 等等!

教程 4:StoreSearch。行動應用程式通常需要與網路服務進行通訊,這就是你在書的最後一個教程中要做的。你將製作一個時尚的 iPhone 和 iPad 應用程式,讓你使用 HTTP 請求和 JSON 在 iTunes 商店中搜尋產品。