Operating Systems: A Modern Approach

R. Garg, G. Verma




This book is designed to provide a step-by-step approach to understanding the basic concepts of operating systems. In addition to traditional operating systems such as Windows, it covers the main features of Red Hat Linux, iOS, and Android systems. It will be useful as a textbook for the introductory course in operating systems or as a reference for industry professionals who need information on recent mobile operating systems.


• Exclusive chapter on the latest mobile operating systems, e.g., Android, iOS, and Windows
• Additional chapter on the Linux operating system with detailed explanation of its architecture, components, main features, and also Red Hat Linux.


本書旨在提供一種逐步理解操作系統基本概念的方法。除了傳統的操作系統如Windows外,它還涵蓋了Red Hat Linux、iOS和Android系統的主要特點。本書可作為操作系統入門課程的教科書,也可作為需要了解最新移動操作系統信息的行業專業人士的參考書。


• 專門介紹最新移動操作系統的章節,例如Android、iOS和Windows
• 附加一章關於Linux操作系統,詳細解釋其架構、組件、主要特點以及Red Hat Linux。