Seven Web Frameworks in Seven Weeks: Adventures in Better Web Apps (Paperback)
暫譯: 七週七個網頁框架:提升網頁應用程式的冒險

Jack Moffitt, Frederic Daoud



Whether you need a new tool or just inspiration, Seven Web Frameworks in Seven Weeks explores modern options, giving you a taste of each with ideas that will help you create better apps. You'll see frameworks that leverage modern programming languages, employ unique architectures, live client-side instead of server-side, or embrace type systems. You'll see everything from familiar Ruby and JavaScript to the more exotic Erlang, Haskell, and Clojure.

The rapid evolution of web apps demands innovative solutions: this survey of frameworks and their unique perspectives will inspire you and get you thinking in new ways to meet the challenges you face daily.

This book covers seven web frameworks that are influencing modern web applications and changing web development: Sinatra, CanJS, AngularJS, Ring, Webmachine, Yesod, Immutant. Each of these web frameworks brings unique and powerful ideas to bear on building apps.

Embrace the simplicity of Sinatra, which sheds the trappings of large frameworks and gets back to basics with Ruby. Live in the client with CanJS, and create apps with JavaScript in the browser. Be declarative with AngularJS; say what you want, not how to do it, with a mixture of declarative HTML and JavaScript. Turn the web into data with Ring, and use Clojure to make data your puppet. Become a master of advanced HTTP with Webmachine, and focus the power of Erlang. Prove web theorems with Yesod; see how Haskell's advanced type system isn't just for academics. Develop in luxury with Immutant, an enlightened take on the enterprise framework.

Seven Web Frameworks will influence your work, no matter which framework you currently use.

Welcome to a wider web.

What You Need:

You'll need Windows, MacOS X or Linux, along with your favorite web browser. Each chapter will cover what you need to download and which language versions are required.


無論您需要一個新工具還是僅僅尋求靈感,七個網頁框架七週 探索了現代選擇,讓您體驗每個框架,並提供幫助您創建更好應用程式的想法。您將看到利用現代程式語言的框架,採用獨特架構的框架,客戶端運行而非伺服器端的框架,或是擁抱類型系統的框架。您將看到從熟悉的 Ruby 和 JavaScript 到更具異國情調的 Erlang、Haskell 和 Clojure 的所有內容。



擁抱 Sinatra 的簡單性,擺脫大型框架的束縛,回歸 Ruby 的基本。使用 CanJS 在客戶端創建應用程式,並在瀏覽器中使用 JavaScript。使用 AngularJS 進行聲明式編程;告訴您想要什麼,而不是如何去做,結合聲明式 HTML 和 JavaScript。使用 Ring 將網頁轉換為數據,並利用 Clojure 使數據成為您的傀儡。成為 Webmachine 的高級 HTTP 大師,專注於 Erlang 的強大功能。使用 Yesod 證明網頁定理;看看 Haskell 的高級類型系統不僅僅是為了學術界。使用 Immutant 享受奢華的開發體驗,這是一種對企業框架的開明看法。

七個網頁框架 將影響您的工作,無論您目前使用哪個框架。



您需要 Windows、MacOS X 或 Linux,以及您最喜愛的網頁瀏覽器。每一章將涵蓋您需要下載的內容以及所需的語言版本。