Programming Erlang: Software for a Concurrent World, 2/e (Paperback)
暫譯: Erlang 程式設計:為併發世界而設的軟體,第二版 (平裝本)

Joe Armstrong




content<p>A multi-user game, web site, cloud application, or networked database can have thousands of users all interacting at the same time. You need a powerful, industrial-strength tool to handle the really hard problems inherent in parallel, concurrent environments. You need Erlang. In this second edition of the bestselling <i>Programming Erlang</i>, you'll learn how to write parallel programs that scale effortlessly on multicore systems.<br/><br/> Using Erlang, you'll be surprised at how easy it becomes to deal with parallel problems, and how much faster and more efficiently your programs run. That's because Erlang uses <i>sets of parallel processes</i>-not a single sequential process, as found in most programming languages. <br/><br/> Joe Armstrong, creator of Erlang, introduces this powerful language in small steps, giving you a complete overview of Erlang and how to use it in common scenarios. You'll start with sequential programming, move to parallel programming and handling errors in parallel programs, and learn to work confidently with distributed programming and the standard Erlang/Open Telecom Platform (OTP) frameworks. <br/><br/> You need no previous knowledge of functional or parallel programming. The chapters are packed with hands-on, real-world tutorial examples and insider tips and advice, and finish with exercises for both beginning and advanced users.<br/><br/> The second edition has been extensively rewritten. New to this edition are seven chapters covering the latest Erlang features: maps, the type system and the Dialyzer, WebSockets, programming idioms, and a new stand-alone execution environment. You'll write programs that dynamically detect and correct errors, and that can be upgraded without stopping the system. There's also coverage of rebar (the de facto Erlang build system), and information on how to share and use Erlang projects on github, illustrated with examples from cowboy and bitcask.<br/><br/> Erlang will change your view of the world, and of how you program.<br/><br/><b> What You Need</b><br/><br/> The Erlang/OTP system. Download it from</p>sourceProduct Description


多使用者遊戲、網站、雲端應用程式或網路資料庫可以有成千上萬的使用者同時互動。您需要一個強大且具工業級的工具來處理平行和併發環境中固有的真正困難問題。您需要 Erlang。在這本暢銷書《Programming Erlang》的第二版中,您將學習如何編寫在多核心系統上輕鬆擴展的平行程式。

使用 Erlang,您會驚訝於處理平行問題變得多麼簡單,以及您的程式運行得多麼快速和高效。這是因為 Erlang 使用的是「平行過程集」——而不是大多數程式語言中所找到的單一順序過程。

Erlang 的創造者 Joe Armstrong 以小步驟介紹這個強大的語言,讓您全面了解 Erlang 及其在常見情境中的使用。您將從順序程式設計開始,轉向平行程式設計和處理平行程式中的錯誤,並學會自信地使用分散式程式設計和標準的 Erlang/Open Telecom Platform (OTP) 框架。


第二版已經進行了廣泛的重寫。本版新增了七個章節,涵蓋最新的 Erlang 特性:maps、類型系統和 Dialyzer、WebSockets、程式設計慣用法,以及一個新的獨立執行環境。您將編寫能夠動態檢測和修正錯誤的程式,並且可以在不停止系統的情況下進行升級。還涵蓋了 rebar(事實上是 Erlang 的建構系統),以及如何在 GitHub 上分享和使用 Erlang 專案的資訊,並以 cowboy 和 bitcask 的範例進行說明。

Erlang 將改變您對世界的看法,以及您編程的方式。


Erlang/OTP 系統。請從 下載。