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$495Cloud Application Architectures: Building Applications and Infrastructure in the Cloud (Paperback)
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The Quick Python Book, Second Edition, is a clear, concise introduction to Python 3, aimed at programmers new to Python. This updated edition includes all the changes in Python 3, itself a significant shift from earlier versions of Python.
The book begins with basic but useful programs that teach the core features of syntax, control flow, and data structures. It then moves to larger applications involving code management, object-oriented programming, web development, and converting code from earlier versions of Python.
True to his audience of experienced developers, the author covers common programming language features concisely, while giving more detail to those features unique to Python.
《快速學習 Python 書籍(第二版)》是一本清晰、簡潔的 Python 3 入門書,旨在幫助對 Python 新手的程式設計師。這個更新版包含了 Python 3 的所有變更,這本身就是對早期版本 Python 的重大轉變。
本書從基本但實用的程式開始,教授語法、控制流程和資料結構的核心特性。接著,書中將進入更大型的應用程式,涉及程式碼管理、物件導向程式設計、網頁開發,以及將程式碼從早期版本的 Python 轉換過來。
作者忠實於其經驗豐富的開發者讀者群,簡明扼要地涵蓋了常見的程式語言特性,同時對 Python 獨有的特性提供了更多的細節。