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Unlike many Flex books that presume readers want to develop applications from scratch, Flex on Java is for developers in the real world-where Flex is one more technology being added to existing systems developed in Java, and where integration is the key indicator of success.
Written for Java developers beginning to use Flex, Flex on Java shows how to use Flex alongside existing Java applications, and how to integrate Flex using familiar server-side technologies such as Spring, EJBs, JMS, and more. The authors, both Agile development experts, focus on Agile and test-driven development to enable readers to redesign applications that deliver more value and with zero defects. Throughout the book, readers will apply these techniques to refactoring a single application into a rich internet application using Flex and the BlazeDS framework.
與許多假設讀者希望從零開始開發應用程式的 Flex 書籍不同,Flex on Java 是為現實世界中的開發者而寫的——在這裡,Flex 是添加到現有 Java 系統中的一項技術,而整合則是成功的關鍵指標。
本書是為開始使用 Flex 的 Java 開發者撰寫的,Flex on Java 展示了如何在現有 Java 應用程式中使用 Flex,以及如何使用熟悉的伺服器端技術(如 Spring、EJB、JMS 等)來整合 Flex。兩位作者都是敏捷開發專家,專注於敏捷和測試驅動開發,以幫助讀者重新設計能夠提供更多價值且零缺陷的應用程式。在整本書中,讀者將應用這些技術,將單一應用程式重構為使用 Flex 和 BlazeDS 框架的豐富網路應用程式。