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Android is a free, open source, Java-based mobile platform developed by Google. Unlocking Android prepares the reader to embrace the Android mobile platform in easy-to-understand language and builds on this foundation with reusable Java code examples. It's ideal for corporate developers and hobbyists who have an interest, or a mandate, to deliver mobile software.
The book first covers the big picture so the reader can get comfortable with the Android approach to the mobile applications. Then the reader learns to apply Android by following the many practical examples. The book concludes with two deep and hands-on examples.
Unlocking Android addresses the Android application framework, its graphical capabilities and media support, data storage, communications capabilities, phone interactions, and notifications.
Unlocking Android covers Android SDK 1.x
Android 是一個免費、開源、基於 Java 的行動平台,由 Google 開發。Unlocking Android 以易於理解的語言幫助讀者掌握 Android 行動平台,並在此基礎上提供可重用的 Java 代碼範例。這本書非常適合對開發行動軟體有興趣或有任務的企業開發者和愛好者。
本書首先介紹整體概念,讓讀者能夠熟悉 Android 在行動應用程式方面的做法。接著,讀者將透過許多實用範例學習如何應用 Android。本書最後以兩個深入且實作的範例作結。
Unlocking Android 涉及 Android 應用程式框架、其圖形能力和媒體支援、數據儲存、通訊能力、電話互動和通知功能。
Unlocking Android 涵蓋 Android SDK 1.x。