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The Model-View-Controller pattern—universally known as MVC—provides a stable, testable approach to web application development by separating the major functions—or concerns—of an application into independently defined roles.
ASP.NET MVC in Action is a comprehensive guide to MVC-based development using this powerful framework. It offers a clearly-written introduction both to the ASP.NET MVC Framework and to the MVC approach. The focus is on creating real, maintainable web applications—so don't expect toy examples and short snippets. The authors lead you from first-use through real-life scenarios.
One of the key benefits of the MVC approach is introducing a high degree of testability to your applications and process. ASP.NET MVC in Action shows you how to test each piece of your ASP.NET application and how to introduce principles of test-driven development into your process.
Because the framework is completely pluggable, you'll learn how to work with external Inversion of Control containers like StructureMap, Windsor, and Spring.NET and open-source persistence layers like NHibernate. Throughout the book, the authors sprinkle in MvcContrib, an extremely useful tool that provides common extensions so you don't have to write them yourself.
Along the way, you'll benefit from the wide-ranging experience of the authors, who have extensive experience with ASP.NET, Monorail, and Ruby on Rails. This book assumes that you already know how to build a standard ASP.NET application and presents most examples in C#.
What's inside?
- Getting started with the ASP.NET MVC Framework
- The model in depth
- The controller in depth
- The view in depth
- Routing
- Customizing and extending the ASP.NET MVC Framework
- Scaling the architecture for complex sites
- Leveraging existing ASP.NET features
- Hosting and deployment
- Exploring MonoRail and Ruby on Rails
- Best practices
- Recipes
What reviewers are saying
"Shows how to put all the features of ASP.NET MVC together to build a great application."
-From the Foreword by Phil Haack, Senior Program Manager, ASP.NET MVC Team, Microsoft
"This book put me in control of ASP.NET MVC."
-Mark Monster, Software Engineer, Rubicon
"Highly recommended for those switching from Web Forms to MVC."
-Frank Wang, Chief Software Architect, DigitalVelocity LLC
"I'd highly recommend this to anyone who is serious about building web applications with ASP.NET MVC."
—Jeremy Skinner, ASP.NET developer and technical proofreader of the book
"...does a good job of not only showing you what to do, but also provides cautionary words to avoid poor practices that may lead to maintenance issues on non-trivial applications."
—Venkat Subramanian, NoFluffJustStuff Blogs
"I really enjoyed ASP.NET MVC in Action and highly recommend it for a fresh look at the ASP.NET MVC Framework."
—David Hayden, MVP
"In the end [the authors] not only did an excellent job of putting together a great practical guide to ASP.NET MVC they also successfully embedded some subversive ALT.NET concepts that will hopeful make us all better developers. And at the end of the day that is a damn fine accomplishment."
—Bobby Johnson
"ASP.NET MVC in Action will guide you from your first project through advanced topics such as AJAX and deploying on suboptimal hosting environments. The writing style is clear and concise. Diagrams and code examples are abundant. I recommend it for anyone looking for a great resource for learning about or becoming a better user of the ASP.NET MVC framework."
—Nathan Stott, Partner and Software Engineer at Whiteboard-IT
"I'm very happy with this book. I would definitely recommend it to anyone interested in ASP.NET MVC. Getting the 'beyond the text' that comes with the CodeCampServer is just icing on the cake, truly."
—Chris Stewart, CompiledMonkey.com
"ASP.NET MVC in Action is a true masterpiece...The authors, Jeffrey Palermo, Ben Scheirman and Jimmy Bogard are all considered rock stars in the ASP.NET community and they have opened up the doors to their concert with ASP.NET MVC in Action."
—Mohammad Azam, Microsoft MVP
模型-視圖-控制器模式(Model-View-Controller pattern,簡稱MVC)透過將應用程式的主要功能或關注點分離為獨立定義的角色,提供了一種穩定且可測試的網頁應用程式開發方法。
《ASP.NET MVC in Action》是一本全面介紹使用這個強大框架進行MVC開發的指南。它清晰地介紹了ASP.NET MVC框架和MVC方法。重點在於創建真正可維護的網頁應用程式,因此不要期待玩具範例和短小片段。作者將引導你從首次使用到實際場景。
MVC方法的一個主要好處是為你的應用程式和過程引入高度的可測試性。《ASP.NET MVC in Action》向你展示如何測試每個ASP.NET應用程式的組件,以及如何將測試驅動開發的原則引入你的過程中。
由於該框架完全可插拔,你將學會如何與外部控制反轉容器(Inversion of Control containers)如StructureMap、Windsor和Spring.NET,以及開源持久層如NHibernate一起工作。在整本書中,作者還介紹了MvcContrib,這是一個非常有用的工具,提供常見擴展,讓你不必自己編寫。
在這個過程中,你將受益於作者的廣泛經驗,他們在ASP.NET、Monorail和Ruby on Rails方面擁有豐富的經驗。本書假設你已經知道如何構建標準的ASP.NET應用程式,並且大多數範例使用C#呈現。
1. 開始使用ASP.NET MVC框架
2. 深入了解模型
3. 深入了解控制器
4. 深入了解視圖
5. 路由
6. 自定義和擴展ASP.NET MVC框架
7. 為複雜網站擴展架構
8. 利用現有的ASP.NET功能
10. 託管和部署
11. 探索MonoRail和Ruby on Rails
12. 最佳實踐
13. 實用範例
「展示了如何將ASP.NET MVC的所有功能結合起來構建出色的應用程式。」
- 來自Phil Haack的前言,微軟ASP.NET MVC團隊高級程式經理
「這本書讓我掌控了ASP.NET MVC。」
- Mark Monster,Rubicon軟體工程師
「強烈推薦給那些從Web Forms轉向MVC的人。」
- Frank Wang,DigitalVelocity LLC首席軟體架構師
「我會強烈推薦給任何認真想用ASP.NET MVC構建網頁應用程式的人。」
- Jeremy Skinner,ASP.NET開發者及本書技術校對
- Venkat Subramanian,NoFluffJustStuff博客
「我真的很喜歡《ASP.NET MVC in Action》,並強烈推薦它作為對ASP.NET MVC框架的新視角。」
- David Hayden,MVP
「最終,作者不僅成功地編寫了一本出色的ASP.NET MVC實用指南,還成功地嵌入了一些顛覆性的ALT.NET概念,希望能讓我們所有人成為更好的開發者。這真是一項了不起的成就。」
- Bobby Johnson
「《ASP.NET MVC in Action》將引導你從第一個專案到AJAX和在次優託管環境中部署等進階主題。寫作風格清晰簡潔,圖表和程式碼範例豐富。我推薦給任何尋找學習或成為更好ASP.NET MVC框架使用者的資源的人。」
- Nathan Stott,Whiteboard-IT合夥人及軟體工程師
「我對這本書非常滿意。我一定會推薦給任何對ASP.NET MVC感興趣的人。獲得與CodeCampServer一起提供的「超越文本」內容真的是錦上添花。」
- Chris Stewart,CompiledMonkey.com
「《ASP.NET MVC in Action》是一部真正的傑作...作者Jeffrey Palermo、Ben Scheirman和Jimmy Bogard在ASP.NET社群中都被視為明星,他們為《ASP.NET MVC in Action》打開了他們的音樂會大門。」
- Mohammad Azam,微軟MVP