Degunking Your Mac, Tiger Edition (Paperback)
暫譯: 清理你的 Mac:Tiger 版 (平裝本)

Joli Ballew

  • 出版商: Paraglyph
  • 出版日期: 2005-07-11
  • 定價: $750
  • 售價: 2.7$199
  • 語言: 英文
  • 頁數: 350
  • 裝訂: Paperback
  • ISBN: 1933097051
  • ISBN-13: 9781933097053
  • 相關分類: MAC OS 蘋果電腦
  • 立即出貨(限量) (庫存=1)



Degunking Your Mac, Tiger Edition, covers the latest operating system (OS X Tiger). Tiger has been greatly expanded, and the new features of this powerful operating system can help Mac users get better organized and reduce clutter. This Tiger edition of the bestselling Degunking Your Mac takes readers inside Tiger and shows them step-by-step how to run Tiger at peak performance. This book is a huge time-saver because it's organized according to the proven twelve-step degunking process that made the Degunking Series popular around the world. After degunking their Macs, users can then focus on doing more creative things, such as making movies, recording music, using the Mac with the iPod, creating websites, and designing documents.

All of the crucial degunking tips and tricks and customization techniques are in this book, including how to better manage hard drives that get gunked up with media files, how to properly optimize the desktop, how to make programs run their best, how to keep fonts under control, how to get rid of the extra stuff that Tiger installs, how to best use the new security features, how to streamline repetitive tasks with Automator, and much more. Special degunking tips are also provided to help users upgrading from earlier versions of OS X to Tiger. The book provides proven degunking maintenance tasks that users should perform on a regular basis to keep their Macs running at optimum levels. Mac users will love this book because it will help them get organized (and stay organized), optimize their workspace, solve clutter problems, and keep their Macs running fast and smoothly.



《清理你的 Mac,Tiger 版》涵蓋了最新的作業系統(OS X Tiger)。Tiger 的功能大幅擴展,這個強大的作業系統的新特性可以幫助 Mac 使用者更好地組織和減少雜亂。這本暢銷書《清理你的 Mac》的 Tiger 版帶領讀者深入了解 Tiger,並逐步展示如何以最佳性能運行 Tiger。這本書是節省時間的好幫手,因為它是根據已證實的十二步驟清理過程組織的,這一過程使得清理系列在全球廣受歡迎。在清理完 Mac 之後,使用者可以專注於更具創意的事情,例如製作電影、錄製音樂、將 Mac 與 iPod 一起使用、創建網站和設計文件。

這本書中包含了所有關鍵的清理技巧和自訂技術,包括如何更好地管理被媒體檔案佔用的硬碟、如何正確優化桌面、如何讓程式運行得更好、如何控制字型、如何去除 Tiger 安裝的多餘內容、如何最佳利用新的安全功能、如何使用 Automator 簡化重複任務等等。還提供了特別的清理技巧,幫助從早期版本的 OS X 升級到 Tiger 的使用者。這本書提供了經過驗證的清理維護任務,使用者應定期執行這些任務,以保持 Mac 的最佳運行狀態。Mac 使用者會喜歡這本書,因為它將幫助他們組織(並保持組織),優化工作空間,解決雜亂問題,並保持 Mac 的快速和平穩運行。