Hack Proofing your Network: Internet Tradecraft (網路安全防護:網際網路技藝)
Ryan Russell
- 出版商: Syngress Media
- 出版日期: 2000-01-15
- 定價: $1,250
- 售價: 2.4 折 $299
- 語言: 英文
- 頁數: 450
- 裝訂: Paperback
- ISBN: 1928994156
- ISBN-13: 9781928994152
資訊安全、駭客 Hack
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The Only Way to Stop a Hacker Is to Think Like One!
This book provides a bold, unsparing tour of information security
that never swerves from the practical.
--Kevin L. Poulsen, Editorial Director, SecurityFocus.com
Systems and software packages are being connected to the internet at an astounding rate. Many of these systems and packages were not designed with security in mind. IT professionals need to keep their systems secure: this shows them how to make a meaningful security assessment of their own systems, by thinking like a hacker. Using forensics-based analysis this book gives ;the reader insight to the mind of a hacker. This understanding is crucial for security, Classes of attack, Diffing, Decrypting, Session Hijacking, Client and Server Holes, and choosing Secure Systems.
Ryan Russell has an important message for us all: "What you don't
know will hurt you." In his book, 'Hack-Proofing Your Network: Internet
Tradecraft' Ryan reveals the "how to" of systems penetration techniques
that intruders may use against you! While full disclosure is a two-edged
sword, the benefits include forcing software manufactures to quickly fix
security holes and informing potential victims of the vulnerabilities
that exist in their infrastructures.
Kevin Mitnick
唯一阻止駭客的方法就是像駭客一樣思考!這本書提供了一次大膽而毫不留情的資訊安全之旅,始終保持實用性。──Kevin L. Poulsen,SecurityFocus.com編輯總監
Ryan Russell給我們所有人傳達了一個重要信息:“你不知道的東西會傷害你。”在他的書《Hack-Proofing Your Network: Internet Tradecraft》中,Ryan揭示了入侵者可能對你使用的系統進行的系統滲透技術。雖然完全揭露是一把雙刃劍,但好處包括迫使軟體製造商迅速修補安全漏洞,並通知潛在受害者存在於其基礎設施中的漏洞。──Kevin Mitnick