PHP & MySQL: Novice to Ninja, 7th Edition is a hands-on guide to learning all the tools, principles, and techniques needed to build a professional web application using PHP & MySQL. Comprehensively updated to cover PHP 8 and modern best practice, this highly practical and fun book covers everything from installation through to creating a complete online content management system.
- Gain a thorough understanding of PHP syntax
- Master database design principles and SQL
- Write robust, maintainable, best practice code
- Build a working content management system (CMS)
- And much more!
《PHP & MySQL: Novice to Ninja, 7th Edition》是一本實用的指南,幫助讀者學習使用 PHP 和 MySQL 建立專業網頁應用程式所需的所有工具、原則和技術。本書全面更新,以涵蓋 PHP 8 和現代最佳實踐,這本非常實用且有趣的書籍涵蓋了從安裝到創建完整的在線內容管理系統的所有內容。
- 深入了解 PHP 語法
- 精通資料庫設計原則和 SQL
- 撰寫穩健、可維護的最佳實踐代碼
- 建立一個可運作的內容管理系統 (CMS)
- 還有更多!
Tom Butler is a web developer and university lecturer. He has a PhD in the area of software engineering best practices and enjoys evaluating different approaches to programming problems.
湯姆·巴特勒(Tom Butler)是一位網頁開發者和大學講師。他擁有軟體工程最佳實踐領域的博士學位,並喜歡評估解決程式設計問題的不同方法。