The Complex Answer: On Art as a Non-Binary Intelligence

Martinez, Chus

  • 出版商: Sternberg Press
  • 出版日期: 2024-02-13
  • 售價: $1,050
  • 貴賓價: 9.5$998
  • 語言: 英文
  • 頁數: 192
  • 裝訂: Quality Paper - also called trade paper
  • ISBN: 1915609178
  • ISBN-13: 9781915609175
  • 無法訂購


Essays on the question on how art--and contemporary art practices in particular--embodies an intelligence capable of serving the erasure of the culture/nature distinction.

The Complex Answer: On Art as a Non-Binary Intelligence presents a series of entangled essays on the question on how art--and contemporary art practices in particular--embodies an intelligence capable of serving the erasure of the culture/nature distinction. The book is conceived in four parts and each not only introduces a slightly different writing on the subject matter, but also refers to concrete questions that affect the practice of art, the exercise of exhibiting, the duty of reflecting and the institutional forms that define our present but may radically change in a near future.

The book imagines art and contemporary art as an organ. An organ that produces an experience of inexpressible realities that are fundamental to understanding life and its processes. Stem cells exist, first, without a purpose and it is for the whole organism to decide if they will become part of an auditive nerve or the brain or the cornea of an eye. This adding to an organ is how Chus Martínez understands the intelligence of art. Poets and artists have claimed to understand the language of birds and flowers. We speak now of multi-species communication without a trace of metaphoric language. The experience of nature has evolved inside artistic practice. One could claim that the very fact that we talk about artificial intelligence is a merit of the arts. To transfer traits of organic life to inorganic entities such as information systems is a bold move that took centuries to prepare. Art has been essential in getting our senses and our arguments ready to accept this reality. The same with animal language, the synchronized reactions of a rainforest, and the transformative way fish have been discovered as able to recognize their own image in a mirror. These are just jests on the part of the sciences, developments of technical knowledges.



這本書將藝術和當代藝術想像成一個器官。這個器官產生了一種無法言喻的現實體驗,這對於理解生命及其過程至關重要。幹細胞首先是沒有目的的,整個有機體決定它們是否成為聽覺神經、大腦或眼睛的角膜的一部分。這種對器官的增加是Chus Martínez對藝術智慧的理解方式。詩人和藝術家聲稱能夠理解鳥和花的語言。我們現在談論的是多物種溝通,而不是隱喻性的語言。對自然的體驗已經在藝術實踐中演變。可以說,我們談論人工智能的事實本身就是藝術的功勞。將有機生命的特徵轉移到無機實體,如信息系統,是一個大膽的舉動,需要數個世紀的準備。藝術在使我們的感官和論點準備好接受這個現實方面起著重要作用。同樣的道理也適用於動物語言、雨林的同步反應以及魚類以能夠在鏡子中認識自己的形象的方式。這些只是科學的一部分,是技術知識的發展。


Born in Spain, and with a background in philosophy and art history, Martínez is Head of the Institute of Art of the FHNW Academy of Arts and Design in Basel, associate curator of Ocean Space, Venice, and curator at large at The Vuslat Foundation, Istanbul. Martínez sits on numerous international art institutions advisory boards including Castello di Rivoli, Turin; De Appel, Amsterdam; Deutsches Historisches Museum, Berlin; and Museum der Moderne, Salzburg. Publications include Like This: Natural Intelligence As Seen by Art and Coding Care, edited with Sabine Himmelsbach, Corona Tales: Let Life Happen to You, and The Wild Book of Inventions (Sternberg Press).


Martínez出生於西班牙,具有哲學和藝術史背景,是巴塞爾FHNW藝術與設計學院藝術研究所的負責人,也是威尼斯Ocean Space的副策展人,以及伊斯坦布爾Vuslat基金會的大型策展人。Martínez還擔任許多國際藝術機構的顧問委員會成員,包括都靈的Rivoli城堡、阿姆斯特丹的De Appel、柏林的德國歷史博物館和薩爾茨堡的現代藝術博物館。他的出版物包括《像這樣:藝術所見的自然智能》和與Sabine Himmelsbach合編的《編碼關懷》、《冠狀病毒故事:讓生活發生在你身上》以及《發明的狂野書》(Sternberg Press)。