Enterprise GIS for Energy Companies (Paperback)

Christian Harder

  • 出版商: ESRI Press
  • 出版日期: 1999-03-01
  • 定價: $600
  • 售價: 5.0$300
  • 語言: 英文
  • 頁數: 107
  • 裝訂: Paperback
  • ISBN: 187910248X
  • ISBN-13: 9781879102484
  • 相關分類: 地理資訊系統 Gis
  • 立即出貨(限量) (庫存=2)





Geographic information system (GIS) technology allows utility managers to organize their activities according to a principle natural to their business: geography. So whether it's an electric company restoring power after a catastrophe, a planning agency connecting residential subdivisions to city services, or a natural gas transporter extending its pipeline through ecologically sensitive countryside, GIS has emerged as the tool of choice.

GIS is also the tool for managing the fallout from deregulation, which is transforming the energy industry just as it transformed the telecommunications industry in the 1980s. Today's successful energy service businesses apply information technology to everything from managing facilities and system load analysis to generating work orders and dispatching service technicians.

Enterprise GIS for Energy Companies presents these dozen case studies from the trenches:

  • South Carolina Electric & Gas
  • Bonneville Power Administration
  • AlintaGas (Australia)
  • Southern Company
  • New York State Electric & Gas
  • Reliant Energy
  • Williams Gas Pipeline
  • Colorado Springs Utilities
  • Electricté du Liban (Lebanon)
  • Southern Californa Gas
  • Public Service Company of New Mexico
  • Svenska Kraftnat (Sweden)

This richly illustrated volume is ideal for executives and technical managers in energy services industries who want to manage their facilities more cost effectively, find new markets, and better serve their customers.


Table of Contents:

The business of energy
The spatial revolution in utilities
GIS at work
Tales from the real world
When the power fails
Powering a cold-weather state
Dispatching with great dispatch
System configuration
Enterprise GIS
Reliant Energy HL&P
The business of pole attachments
Call before you dig
From the rubble of war
The city that wouldn't die
Transforming the utility
Powering the new construction
A framework for cooperation
The gas is on
Natural gas, Aussie style
Staying competitive
The SAP connection
System architecture
AM/FM: Getting more done for less
Responding to deregulation
Rapid implementation
Automated plat design
Bolts from the blue
Protecting the grid
National Lightning Detection Network
Finding the strikes that cause outages
Automating plan submittals
Managing growth
Beginning the review
System architecture
Managing transmission lines
Energy for the Southwest
Introducing TAMIS
Working at the site
Gas across America
Managing linear assets
The pipeline model
Mitigating environmental impact
Service technician routing
Glad to be of service
Where it all starts
The magic of automated routing
Power struggle
Alabama Power
Spanning the enterprise
Anticipating the inevitable
Electrifying Sweden
Power to the Swedes
The Swedish electricity market
Introducing GISELA
Appendix — Introducing ArcFM
From AM/FM to ArcFM
How ArcFM works




- 南卡羅來納州電力與煤氣公司
- 邦尼維爾電力管理局
- AlintaGas(澳大利亞)
- 南方公司
- 紐約州電力與煤氣公司
- Reliant Energy
- Williams煤氣管道
- 科羅拉多斯普林斯公用事業
- 黎巴嫩電力公司
- 南加州煤氣公司
- 新墨西哥州公共服務公司
- Svenska Kraftnat(瑞典)


- 能源業務
- 公用事業中的空間革命
- GIS的應用
- 真實世界的故事
- 當電力中斷時
- 寒冷地區的電力供應
- 快速派遣
- 系統配置
- 企業GIS
- Reliant Energy HL&P
- 電線杆附件業務
- 挖掘前請先通報
- 從戰爭的廢墟中
- 不朽的城市
- 改變公用事業
- 為新建築提供電力
- 合作框架
- 天然氣供應
- 澳大利亞風格的天然氣
- 保持競爭力
- 與SAP的聯繫
- 系統架構
- AM/FM:以更少的成本完成更多工作
- 應對解除管制
- 快速實施
- 自動平面設計
- 驚人的自動路線規劃
- 防止電網故障
- 國家閃電檢測網絡
- 找出導致停電的閃電
- 自動計劃提交
- 管理增長
- 開始審查
- 系統架構
- 管理輸電線路
- 西南地區的能源
- 在現場工作
- 美國的天然氣
- 管理線性資產
- 管道模型
- 減輕環境影響
- 服務技術人員路線規劃
- 樂於服務
- 一切的開始
- 自動路線規劃的魔力
- 電力爭奪戰
- 阿拉巴馬州電力公司
- 橫跨企業
- 預見不可避免的事情
- 為瑞典電氣化
- 為瑞典人提供電力
- 瑞典的電力市場