Professional Java Custom UI Components
暫譯: 專業 Java 自訂 UI 元件

Kenneth F. Krutsch, David S. Cargo, Virginia Howlett



This book details the design and implementation of professional-grade Java custom user interface components, primarily for use within Internet browsers. Interoperability with the current Internet browsers requires design patterns that provide efficient screen rendering while minimizing the component download time. This book demonstrates proven techniques for developing and deploying client-side Java components and applets that are efficient, and compatible with modern Internet browsers, without the use of external software or plug-ins.

This book introduces custom component development by utilizing a simple example, which has been refined during its use within a college course. It then walks through the design and development of a number of examples derived from actual production code. The book is supported by a download containing thousands of lines of tested code along with comprehensive documentation. Visual design, user interface project management, and code maintenance are also discussed, putting the code details into perspective.

This book covers: Visual design of user interfaces
Using AWT and Swing in custom components
Implementing design patterns
Browser interoperability
Building component frameworks
Detailed examination of tested production quality code
Code maintenance


本書詳細介紹了專業級 Java 自訂使用者介面元件的設計與實作,主要用於網際網路瀏覽器中。與當前網際網路瀏覽器的相容性需要設計模式,以提供高效的螢幕渲染,同時最小化元件下載時間。本書展示了開發和部署高效的客戶端 Java 元件和小應用程式(applets)的成熟技術,並且這些元件與現代網際網路瀏覽器相容,無需使用外部軟體或外掛程式。


- 使用者介面的視覺設計
- 在自訂元件中使用 AWT 和 Swing
- 實作設計模式
- 瀏覽器相容性
- 建立元件框架
- 詳細檢視經過測試的生產品質代碼
- 代碼維護