Real-Time Embedded Multithreading Using ThreadX and MIPS (Paperback) (即時嵌入式多執行緒:使用 ThreadX 與 MIPS)

Edward L. Lamie




Book Description
Get up to speed with the ThreadX 5 real time operating system - deployed in over 500
million devices worldwide including cell phones, digitial cameras, and laser printers!

Product Description
Real-Time Embedded Multithreading contains the fundamentals of developing real-time operating systems and multithreading with all the new functionality of ThreadX Version 5. This MIPS edition covers all the new ThreadX 5 features including Real-Time Event-Chaining, Run-Time Performance Metrics, and Run-Time Statck Analysis as specified for MIPS. ThreadX has been deployed in approximately 500 million devices worldwide including cell phones, digital cameras, and laser printers. General concepts and terminology are detailed along with problem solving of common pitfalls. The features and services of ThreadX are reviewed. The book is technology agnostic and applicable to all types of microprocessors.

*A great introduction to real-time systems including general concepts and terminology
*An insider shares his knowledge on ThreadX 5, a real-time operating system
*A limited version of the ThreadX 5 software is packaged on a CD-ROM with the book
to run all sample projects and the case study

About the Author
Edward L. Lamie is a Professor Emeritus of Computer Science. His areas of academic emphasis during his 31 years in higher education have been in the areas of software engineering and operating systems. He was also the founding chair of computer science departments at Central Michigan University and California State University, Stanislaus. Ed continues to teach occasional graduate-level courses and conducts hands-on RTOS training classes for Express Logic, Inc.




快速掌握ThreadX 5實時操作系統 - 在全球超過5億台設備上部署,包括手機、數碼相機和雷射打印機!


《實時嵌入式多線程》包含了開發實時操作系統和多線程的基礎知識,以及ThreadX 5版本的所有新功能。這個MIPS版本涵蓋了所有新的ThreadX 5功能,包括實時事件鏈接、運行時性能指標和運行時堆棧分析,這些功能是針對MIPS指定的。ThreadX已經在全球約5億台設備上部署,包括手機、數碼相機和雷射打印機。書中詳細介紹了一般概念和術語,並解決了常見問題。同時還回顧了ThreadX的功能和服務。本書不依賴於特定技術,適用於所有類型的微處理器。


*一位內部人士分享了他對ThreadX 5的知識,一個實時操作系統

*附帶一張CD-ROM,其中包含ThreadX 5軟件的限量版,可運行所有示例項目和案例研究


Edward L. Lamie是計算機科學的名譽教授。在他在高等教育界的31年中,他的學術重點領域是軟件工程和操作系統。他還是中央密歇根大學和加利福尼亞州立大學斯坦尼斯勞斯分校計算機科學系的創始主任。Ed繼續偶爾教授研究生課程,並為Express Logic, Inc.進行實時操作系統培訓班的實踐操作。