IBM Cognos 10 Report Studio Cookbook, 2/e(Paperback)
暫譯: IBM Cognos 10 報告工作室食譜,第二版(平裝本)

Ahmed Lashin, Abhishek Sanghani

  • 出版商: Packt Publishing
  • 出版日期: 2013-07-28
  • 售價: $2,420
  • 貴賓價: 9.5$2,299
  • 語言: 英文
  • 頁數: 364
  • 裝訂: Paperback
  • ISBN: 1849688206
  • ISBN-13: 9781849688208
  • 海外代購書籍(需單獨結帳)



Getting the most out of IBM Cognos Report Studio is a breeze with this recipe-packed cookbook. Cherry-pick the ones you want or go through the tutorial step by step – either way you’ll end up with some highly impressive reports.


  • Learn advanced techniques to produce real-life reports that meet business demands
  • Learn tricks and hacks for speedy and effortless report development
  • Peek into the best practices used in industry and discover ways to work like a pro

In Detail

IBM Cognos Report Studio is widely used for creating and managing business reports in medium to large companies. It is simple enough for any business analyst, power user, or developer to pick up and start developing basic reports. However, this book is designed to take the reader beyond the basics and into the world of creating more sophisticated, functional business reports.

IBM Cognos 10 Report Studio Cookbook, Second Edition helps you understand and use all the features provided by Report Studio to generate impressive deliverables. It will take you from being a beginner to a professional report author. It bridges the gap between basic training provided by manuals or trainers and the practical techniques learned over years of practice.

Written in a recipe style, this book offers step-by-step instructions for IBM Cognos Report Studio users to author reports effectively, allowing a reader to dip in and out of the chapters as they desire.

You will see a new fictional business case in each recipe that will relate to a real-life problem and then you will learn how to crack it in Report Studio.

This book covers all the basic and advanced features of Report Authoring. It introduces the fundamental features useful across any level of reporting. Then it ascends to advanced techniques and tricks to overcome Studio limitations. Develop excellent reports using dimensional data sources by following best practices that development work requires in Report Studio. You will also learn about editing the report outside the Studio by directly editing the XML specifications. You will discover how to build and use Cognos Active Reports, a new addition in IBM Cognos 10.

Provide richness to the user interface by adding JavaScript and HTML tags and using the different chart types introduced in IBM Cognos 10. The main focus is on the practical use of various powerful features that Report Studio has to offer to suit your business requirements.

Learn numerous techniques and hacks that will allow you to make the best out of your IBM Cognos 10 Report Studio.

What you will learn from this book

  • Learn basic and advanced options around sorting, filtering, and aggregation of data
  • Explore the powerful features of Report Studio—Conditional Formatting, Cascaded Prompts, Master-Detailed queries, and more
  • Learn how to build and use Active Reports
  • Achieve real business demands such as dynamic drill-though links, showing tooltips, minimum column width, prompt manipulation, and merged cells
  • Learn to edit reports outside Report Studio using XML editing
  • Develop sophisticated printer friendly reports
  • Introduce best practices such as inserting comments, regression testing, and version controlling in your reports
  • Enhance the features of Report Studio by using macros and Work with dimensional models (DMRs and Cubes)


獲得 IBM Cognos Report Studio 的最佳使用效果,這本食譜豐富的食譜書讓你輕鬆上手。你可以挑選想要的食譜,或是逐步跟隨教程 – 無論哪種方式,你都將能夠產出一些非常令人印象深刻的報告。

- 學習高級技術以產出符合商業需求的實際報告
- 學習快速且輕鬆的報告開發技巧和竅門
- 瞥見業界最佳實踐,發現專業工作的方法

IBM Cognos Report Studio 被廣泛用於中大型企業中創建和管理商業報告。它足夠簡單,任何商業分析師、權限使用者或開發者都能輕鬆上手並開始開發基本報告。然而,本書旨在帶領讀者超越基礎,進入創建更複雜、功能更強大的商業報告的世界。

《IBM Cognos 10 Report Studio Cookbook, Second Edition》幫助你理解並使用 Report Studio 提供的所有功能,以生成令人印象深刻的交付成果。它將你從初學者帶入專業報告作者的行列。它填補了手冊或培訓師提供的基本訓練與多年實踐中學到的實用技術之間的鴻溝。

本書以食譜風格撰寫,為 IBM Cognos Report Studio 使用者提供逐步指導,有效地撰寫報告,讓讀者可以根據需要隨意進出各章節。

你將在每個食譜中看到一個新的虛構商業案例,這將與現實問題相關,然後你將學習如何在 Report Studio 中解決它。

本書涵蓋了報告撰寫的所有基本和高級功能。它介紹了在任何報告層級中都實用的基本功能。然後,它將提升到高級技術和技巧,以克服 Studio 的限制。通過遵循報告開發所需的最佳實踐,使用維度數據源開發出優秀的報告。你還將學習如何通過直接編輯 XML 規範來在 Studio 外編輯報告。你將發現如何構建和使用 Cognos Active Reports,這是 IBM Cognos 10 的新功能。

通過添加 JavaScript 和 HTML 標籤以及使用 IBM Cognos 10 中引入的不同圖表類型,為用戶界面增添豐富性。主要重點是實際使用 Report Studio 提供的各種強大功能,以滿足你的商業需求。

學習許多技術和竅門,讓你充分利用 IBM Cognos 10 Report Studio。

- 學習有關數據排序、過濾和聚合的基本和高級選項
- 探索 Report Studio 的強大功能—條件格式化、級聯提示、主詳細查詢等
- 學習如何構建和使用 Active Reports
- 實現真實的商業需求,例如動態穿透鏈接、顯示工具提示、最小列寬、提示操作和合併單元格
- 學習使用 XML 編輯在 Report Studio 外編輯報告
- 開發複雜的適合列印的報告
- 在報告中引入最佳實踐,例如插入註解、回歸測試和版本控制
- 通過使用宏增強 Report Studio 的功能,並處理維度模型(DMRs 和立方體)