Microsoft Forefront UAG 2010 Administrator's Handbook
暫譯: Microsoft Forefront UAG 2010 管理員手冊
Erez Ben-Ari, Ran Dolev
- 出版商: Packt Publishing
- 出版日期: 2011-01-27
- 售價: $2,580
- 貴賓價: 9.5 折 $2,451
- 語言: 英文
- 頁數: 484
- 裝訂: Paperback
- ISBN: 1849681627
- ISBN-13: 9781849681629
Explore Microsoft Forefront Unified Access Gateway's wide range of features and abilities to publish applications to remote users or partners, and provide remote-access to your network with world-class security.
- Maximize your business results by fully understanding how to plan your UAG integration
- Consistently be ahead of the game by taking control of your server with backup and advanced monitoring
- An essential tutorial for new users and a great resource for veterans
- Uncover the advantages and ease of use of Direct Access, the latest VPN technology from Microsoft
- Packed with detailed explanations of concepts, terms and technologies, with hand-in-hand guidance through the tough parts
- Includes the most updated information, up to and including Service Pack 1 for UAG 2010
In Detail
Microsoft Forefront Unified Access Gateway (UAG) is the latest in a line of Application Publishing (Reverse Proxy) and Remote Access (VPN) Server products. The broad set of features and technologies integrated into UAG makes for a steep learning curve. Understanding all the features and abilities of UAG is a complex task that can be daunting even to experienced networking and security engineers.
This book is the first to be dedicated solely to Microsoft Forefront UAG. It guides you step-by-step throughout all the stages of deployment, from design to troubleshooting. Written by the absolute experts who have taken part of the product's development, official training and support, this book covers all the primary features of UAG in a friendly style and a manner that is easy to follow. It takes you from the initial planning and design stage, through deployment and configuration, up to maintenance and troubleshooting.
The book starts by introducing UAG's features and and abilities, and how your organization can benefit from them. It then goes on to guide you through planning and designing the integration of the product into your own unique environment. Further, the book guides you through the process of publishing the various applications, servers and resources - from simple web applications to complex client/server based applications. It also details the various VPN technologies that UAG provides and how to take full advantage of them. The later chapters of the book educate you with common routine "upkeep" tasks like monitoring, backup and troubleshooting of common issues. Finally, the book includes an introduction to ASP, which some of the product's features are based on, and can help the advanced administrator with enhancing and customizing the product.
Explore Microsoft Forefront Unified Access Gateway's wide range of features and abilities to publish applications to remote users or partners, and provide remote-access to your network with world-class security.
What you will learn from this book
- Understand how UAG can help your organization with secure remote access.
- Plan and design the integration of UAG into your unique environment.
- Create trunks and publish all kinds of applications on them.
- Enable VPN access for multiple platforms.
- Design and implement DirectAccess for your organization.
- Manage endpoint security with advanced policies.
- Monitor, maintain and secure your Microsoft server.
- Integrate UAG with multiple infrastructures and platforms.
- Discover various types of applications UAG can publish, and how to publish them.
- Learn how to provide remote access to your users or partners using SSL technology.
- Take advantage of single sign-on with low administrative overhead and high security.
- Integrate UAG with existing authentication infrastructure like Active Directory.
- Gain knowledge of advanced endpoint management for ultimate security in a world of unknowns.
- Perform troubleshooting and solve problems like the pros.
- Integrate UAG with AD FS V2 for maximum corporate flexibility and security.
- Discover how to publish Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007 and 2010 securely
- Find out how UAG interacts with TMG 2010 (the successor to ISA server 2004)
This book is a hands-on guide, describing concepts, ideas and terminology related to UAG and related technologies. The book starts with a discussion of terms that UAG technology is based on, and proceeds with step-by-step guidance for performing the various tasks related to UAG's core features. Each topic is preceded by a discussion of considerations that the administrator and the organization needs to go through to prepare for the task at hand, and includes plenty of screenshots illustrating what the administrator should expect to see on-screen, with real-life examples of configuration options.
Who this book is written for
If you are a Networking or Security engineer who intends to integrate UAG into the organization network, then this book is for you. You need no experience with UAG or its predecessors, though basic understanding of Networking and Windows Server management and engineering is required. Experience with security systems like Firewalls would also help you to better understand some of the topics covered by this book.
探索 Microsoft Forefront Unified Access Gateway 的廣泛功能和能力,以將應用程式發佈給遠端用戶或合作夥伴,並以世界級的安全性提供對您的網絡的遠端訪問。
- 透過充分了解如何規劃您的 UAG 整合,最大化您的商業成果
- 透過備份和先進的監控,持續掌控您的伺服器,始終領先一步
- 對於新用戶來說是必備的教程,對於資深用戶來說是極好的資源
- 揭示 Microsoft 最新 VPN 技術 Direct Access 的優勢和易用性
- 充滿詳細的概念、術語和技術解釋,並在困難部分提供逐步指導
- 包含最新資訊,包括 UAG 2010 的 Service Pack 1
Microsoft Forefront Unified Access Gateway (UAG) 是一系列應用程式發佈(反向代理)和遠端訪問(VPN)伺服器產品中的最新產品。UAG 整合的廣泛功能和技術使得學習曲線陡峭。理解 UAG 的所有功能和能力是一項複雜的任務,即使對於經驗豐富的網絡和安全工程師來說也可能感到艱巨。
本書是首本專門針對 Microsoft Forefront UAG 的書籍。它逐步指導您完成所有部署階段,從設計到故障排除。由參與產品開發、官方培訓和支持的專家撰寫,本書以友好的風格和易於理解的方式涵蓋了 UAG 的所有主要功能。它將您從初步規劃和設計階段,經過部署和配置,直到維護和故障排除。
本書首先介紹 UAG 的功能和能力,以及您的組織如何從中受益。接著,它指導您規劃和設計將產品整合到您獨特環境中的過程。此外,本書還指導您發佈各種應用程式、伺服器和資源的過程——從簡單的網頁應用程式到複雜的客戶端/伺服器應用程式。它還詳細說明了 UAG 提供的各種 VPN 技術以及如何充分利用它們。本書的後面幾章將教您常見的例行「維護」任務,如監控、備份和故障排除常見問題。最後,本書還介紹了 ASP,這是某些產品功能的基礎,並可以幫助高級管理員增強和自定義產品。
探索 Microsoft Forefront Unified Access Gateway 的廣泛功能和能力,以將應用程式發佈給遠端用戶或合作夥伴,並以世界級的安全性提供對您的網絡的遠端訪問。
- 了解 UAG 如何幫助您的組織實現安全的遠端訪問。
- 規劃和設計 UAG 在您獨特環境中的整合。
- 創建幹線並在其上發佈各種應用程式。
- 為多個平台啟用 VPN 訪問。
- 為您的組織設計和實施 DirectAccess。
- 使用先進的政策管理端點安全。
- 監控、維護和保護您的 Microsoft 伺服器。
- 將 UAG 與多個基礎設施和平台整合。
- 發現 UAG 可以發佈的各種類型的應用程式,以及如何發佈它們。
- 學習如何使用 SSL 技術為您的用戶或合作夥伴提供遠端訪問。
- 利用單一登入,實現低管理開銷和高安全性。
- 將 UAG 與現有的身份驗證基礎設施(如 Active Directory)整合。
- 獲得有關高級端點管理的知識,以在不確定的世界中實現終極安全。
- 像專業人士一樣進行故障排除和解決問題。
- 將 UAG 與 AD FS V2 整合,以實現最大的企業靈活性和安全性。
- 發現如何安全地發佈 Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007 和 2010。
- 瞭解 UAG 如何與 TMG 2010(ISA Server 2004 的後繼者)互動。
本書是一本實用指南,描述與 UAG 及相關技術相關的概念、想法和術語。本書首先討論 UAG 技術所基於的術語,然後提供逐步指導以執行與 UAG 核心功能相關的各種任務。每個主題之前都會討論管理員和組織需要考慮的事項,以準備當前的任務,並包含大量截圖,說明管理員應該在螢幕上看到的內容,以及配置選項的實際範例。
如果您是打算將 UAG 整合到組織網絡中的網絡或安全工程師,那麼本書適合您。您不需要具備 UAG 或其前身的經驗,但需要對網絡和 Windows Server 管理及工程有基本了解。對防火牆等安全系統的經驗也將幫助您更好地理解本書所涵蓋的一些主題。