Passive RF Integrated Circuits: Modeling, Characterization and Measurement (Hardcover)
暫譯: 被動射頻集成電路:建模、特性化與測量(精裝版)

Pierre Saguet


This book, written by recognized experts in the field, is intended for designers of RF or microwave passive integrated circuits. It describes methods used for modeling passive circuits using the most common numerical analysis techniques (the method of moments, finite element methods, FDTD, TLM), and pays particular attention to propagation phenomena. Interconnections and packaging modeling are included, as well as an original method for multi-scale circuit modeling.

Characterization and measurement methods in the time and frequency domains are the subject of two very detailed chapters. Measurement errors using Vector Network Analyzer (VNA ) and appropriate corrections are detailed and the divergences between all the various parameters S, Z, Y, h, T, ABCD are given. Time domain reflectometry and its use are also covered in detail.



時間域和頻率域的特性化和測量方法是兩個非常詳細的章節的主題。使用矢量網路分析儀(VNA)進行測量的誤差及其適當的修正也有詳細說明,並提供了各種參數 S、Z、Y、h、T、ABCD 之間的差異。時間域反射測量技術及其應用也有詳細的介紹。