Object-Oriented JavaScript: Create scalable, reusable high-quality JavaScript applications and libraries (Paperback)
暫譯: 物件導向 JavaScript:創建可擴展、可重用的高品質 JavaScript 應用程式和函式庫(平裝本)

Stoyan Stefanov



Create scalable and reusable high-quality JavaScript applications and libraries using the concepts of object-oriented programming. This book is for the beginning to intermediate web developer who wants to solve web development problems with smart JavaScript. It does not assume any prior knowledge of JavaScript programming; however even if you already know some JavaScript, there will be plenty for you to learn here.


使用物件導向程式設計的概念來創建可擴展和可重用的高品質 JavaScript 應用程式和庫。本書適合希望用智慧的 JavaScript 解決網頁開發問題的初學者到中級網頁開發者。它不假設讀者具備任何 JavaScript 程式設計的先前知識;然而,即使您已經知道一些 JavaScript,這裡仍有很多內容可以學習。