Community Server Quickly: A Concise and Practical Guide to Installation, Administration, and Customization
暫譯: 社群伺服器快速入門:安裝、管理與自訂的簡明實用指南

Anand Narayanaswamy


Working with this clear and concise step-by-step guide you'll be up and running with a fully featured Community Server Express Edition website based on ASP.NET as fast as possible. With full coverage of installing, managing, and customizing this powerful tool for your community audience, this book is the essential administrator's companion. This book targets the free Express Edition of Community Server. This book is aimed at the Community Server administrator with a base level of technical competence and confidence, but no prior sysadmin or developer experience or knowledge. No knowledge of ASP.NET programming is required for using this book. What is essential is your own passion for your target community and your desire to provide the best platform possible to that audience.


使用這本清晰且簡明的逐步指南,您將能夠快速啟動一個基於 ASP.NET 的功能齊全的 Community Server Express Edition 網站。本書全面涵蓋了安裝、管理和自訂這個強大工具以服務您的社群受眾的所有內容,是每位管理員的必備伴侶。本書針對的是 Community Server 的免費 Express Edition,目標讀者是具備基本技術能力和自信的 Community Server 管理員,但不需要具備先前的系統管理或開發經驗或知識。使用本書不需要具備 ASP.NET 程式設計的知識。最重要的是您對目標社群的熱情,以及希望為該受眾提供最佳平台的願望。