React Projects

Roy Derks




Key Features

  • Build React applications at scale using effective React patterns and best practices
  • Explore React features such as Hooks, the Context API, and the Suspense API
  • Extend React’s integration with React Native for building cross-platform mobile apps and games

Book Description

Developed by Facebook, React is a popular library for building impressive user interfaces. React extends its capabilities to the mobile platform using the React Native framework and integrates with popular web and mobile tools to build scalable applications.

React Projects is your guide to learning React development by using modern development patterns and integrating React with powerful web tools such as GraphQL, Expo, and React 360. You'll start building a real-world project right from the first chapter and get hands on with developing scalable applications as you advance to building more complex projects. Throughout the book, you'll use the latest versions of React and React Native to explore features such as Higher Order Components (HOC), Context, and Hooks on multiple platforms, which will help you build full stack web and mobile applications efficiently. Finally, you'll delve into unit testing with Jest to build test-driven apps.

By the end of this React book, you'll have developed the skills necessary to start building scalable React apps across web and mobile platforms.

What you will learn

  • Create a wide range of applications using various modern React tools and frameworks
  • Discover how React Hooks modernize state management for React apps
  • Develop progressive web applications using React components
  • Build test-driven React applications using the Jest and Enzyme frameworks
  • Understand full stack development using React, Apollo, and GraphQL
  • Perform server-side rendering using React and React Router
  • Design gestures and animations for a cross-platform game using React Native

Who this book is for

The book is for JavaScript developers who want to explore React tooling and frameworks for building cross-platform applications. Basic knowledge of web development, ECMAScript, and React will assist with understanding key concepts covered in this book.



  • 使用有效的React模式和最佳實踐來構建大型React應用程序

  • 探索React的功能,如Hooks、Context API和Suspense API

  • 擴展React與React Native的集成,用於構建跨平台移動應用程序和遊戲


React是由Facebook開發的一個流行的用於構建令人印象深刻的用戶界面的庫。React通過React Native框架將其功能擴展到移動平台,並與流行的Web和移動工具集成,以構建可擴展的應用程序。

《React Projects》是您學習React開發的指南,通過使用現代開發模式並將React與強大的Web工具(如GraphQL、Expo和React 360)集成,您將從第一章開始構建一個真實的項目,並且隨著進一步構建更複雜的項目,您將親自參與開發可擴展的應用程序。在整本書中,您將使用最新版本的React和React Native,在多個平台上探索高階組件(HOC)、Context和Hooks等功能,這將幫助您高效地構建全棧Web和移動應用程序。最後,您將深入研究使用Jest進行單元測試,以構建測試驅動的應用程序。



  • 使用各種現代React工具和框架創建各種應用程序

  • 了解React Hooks如何為React應用程序現代化狀態管理

  • 使用React組件開發漸進式Web應用程序

  • 使用Jest和Enzyme框架構建測試驅動的React應用程序

  • 了解使用React、Apollo和GraphQL進行全棧開發

  • 使用React和React Router進行服務器端渲染

  • 使用React Native為跨平台遊戲設計手勢和動畫




Roy Derks is a serial start-up CTO, conference speaker, and developer from Amsterdam. He has been actively programming since he was a teenager, starting as a self-taught programmer using online tutorials and books. At the age of 14, he founded his first start-up, a peer-to-peer platform where users could trade DVDs with other users for free. This marked the start of his career in web development, which back then primarily consisted of creating web applications using an MVC architecture with the LAMP stack.

In 2015, he was introduced to React and GraphQL at a hackathon in Berlin, and after winning a prize for his project, he started to use these technologies professionally. Over the next few years, he helped multiple start-ups create cross-platform applications using React and React Native, including a start-up he co-founded. He also started giving workshops and talks at conferences around the globe. In 2019, he gave over 20 conference talks about React, React Native, and GraphQL, inspiring over 10,000 developers worldwide.


Roy Derks 是一位來自阿姆斯特丹的連續創業CTO、會議演講者和開發者。他從十幾歲開始積極參與編程,起初是通過在線教程和書籍自學編程。在14歲時,他創立了他的第一個創業公司,一個用戶可以免費與其他用戶交換DVD的點對點平台。這標誌著他在網絡開發領域的職業生涯的開始,當時主要是使用LAMP堆棧的MVC架構創建Web應用程序。

2015年,他在柏林的一個黑客松活動中接觸到了React和GraphQL,並在他的項目中獲得獎項後,他開始專業地使用這些技術。在接下來的幾年裡,他幫助多個初創公司使用React和React Native創建跨平台應用程序,其中包括他共同創辦的一家初創公司。他還開始在全球各地的會議上舉辦研討會和演講。2019年,他在React、React Native和GraphQL方面發表了超過20場會議演講,激勵了全球超過10,000名開發者。


  1. Creating a Movie List Application in React
  2. Creating a Progressive Web Application with Reusable React Components
  3. Build a Dynamic Project Management Board with React and Suspense
  4. Build a SSR-Based Community Feed Using React Router
  5. Build a Personal Shopping List Application Using Context API and Hooks
  6. Build an Application Exploring TDD Using Jest and Enzyme
  7. Build a Full Stack E-Commerce Application with React Native and GraphQL
  8. Build a House Listing Application with React Native and Expo
  9. Build an Animated Game Using React Native and Expo
  10. Creating a Real-Time Messaging Application with React Native and Expo
  11. Build a Full Stack Social Media Application with React Native and GraphQL
  12. Creating a Virtual Reality Application with React 360


  1. 使用 React 建立電影清單應用程式

  2. 使用可重複使用的 React 元件建立漸進式網頁應用程式

  3. 使用 React 和 Suspense 建立動態專案管理看板

  4. 使用 React Router 建立基於 SSR 的社群動態訊息串流

  5. 使用 Context API 和 Hooks 建立個人購物清單應用程式

  6. 使用 Jest 和 Enzyme 探索 TDD 的應用程式開發

  7. 使用 React Native 和 GraphQL 建立全端電子商務應用程式

  8. 使用 React Native 和 Expo 建立房屋列表應用程式

  9. 使用 React Native 和 Expo 建立動畫遊戲

  10. 使用 React Native 和 Expo 建立即時通訊應用程式

  11. 使用 React Native 和 GraphQL 建立全端社群媒體應用程式

  12. 使用 React 360 建立虛擬實境應用程式