Expert Python Programming 3/e

Jaworski, Michal, Ziade, Tarek




Refine your Python programming skills and build professional grade applications with this comprehensive guide

Key Features

  • Create well manageable code that will run in various environments with different sets of dependencies
  • Implement effective Python data structures and algorithms to build optimized code.
  • Discover the exciting new features of Python 3.8

Book Description

Python is a dynamic programming language that's used in a wide range of domains thanks to its simple yet powerful nature. Although writing Python code is easy, making it readable, reusable, and easy to maintain is challenging. Complete with best practices, useful tools, and standards implemented by professional Python developers, the third edition of Expert Python Programming will help you overcome this challenge.

The book will start by taking you through the new features in Python 3.7. You'll then learn the advanced components of Python syntax, in addition to understanding how to apply concepts of various programming paradigms, including object-oriented programming, functional programming, and event-driven programming. This book will also guide you through learning the best naming practices, writing your own distributable Python packages, and getting up to speed with automated ways of deploying your software on remote servers. You'll discover how to create useful Python extensions with C, C++, Cython, and CFFI. Furthermore, studying about code management tools, writing clear documentation, and exploring test-driven development will help you write clean code.

By the end of the book, you will have become an expert in writing efficient and maintainable Python code.

What you will learn

  • Explore modern ways of setting up repeatable and consistent development environments
  • Package Python code effectively for community and production use
  • Learn modern syntax elements of Python programming such as f-strings, enums, and lambda functions
  • Demystify metaprogramming in Python with metaclasses
  • Write concurrent code in Python
  • Extend Python with code written in different languages
  • Integrate Python with code written in different languages


精煉您的 Python 程式設計技能,並透過這本全面的指南建立專業級應用程式


- 創建可管理的程式碼,能在不同環境中運行,並具備不同的依賴項
- 實作有效的 Python 資料結構和演算法,以建立最佳化的程式碼
- 探索 Python 3.8 的新功能


Python 是一種動態程式語言,因其簡單而強大的特性而被廣泛應用於各個領域。雖然撰寫 Python 程式碼相對容易,但使其可讀、可重用且易於維護卻是一項挑戰。這本《專家 Python 程式設計》第三版將提供最佳實踐、有用的工具和專業 Python 開發者所實施的標準,幫助您克服這一挑戰。

本書將首先介紹 Python 3.7 的新功能。接著,您將學習 Python 語法的進階組件,並理解如何應用各種程式設計範式的概念,包括物件導向程式設計、函數式程式設計和事件驅動程式設計。本書還將指導您學習最佳命名實踐、撰寫自己的可分發 Python 套件,以及掌握自動化部署軟體到遠端伺服器的方式。您將發現如何使用 C、C++、Cython 和 CFFI 創建有用的 Python 擴展。此外,學習程式碼管理工具、撰寫清晰的文件以及探索測試驅動開發將幫助您撰寫乾淨的程式碼。

在書籍結束時,您將成為撰寫高效且易於維護的 Python 程式碼的專家。


- 探索現代化的可重複和一致的開發環境設置方法
- 有效地打包 Python 程式碼以供社群和生產使用
- 學習 Python 程式設計的現代語法元素,如 f-strings、枚舉和 lambda 函數
- 透過元類解密 Python 中的元程式設計
- 在 Python 中撰寫並行程式碼
- 使用不同語言撰寫的程式碼擴展 Python
- 將 Python 與不同語言撰寫的程式碼整合