Machine Learning with AWS: Explore the power of cloud services for your machine learning and artificial intelligence projects
暫譯: AWS 機器學習:探索雲端服務在機器學習與人工智慧專案中的強大能力

Jeffrey Jackovich, Ruze Richards



Use artificial intelligence and machine learning on AWS to create engaging applications

Key Features

  • Explore popular AI and ML services with their underlying algorithms
  • Use the AWS environment to manage your AI workflow
  • Reinforce key concepts with hands-on exercises using real-world datasets

Book Description

Machine Learning with AWS is the right place to start if you are a beginner interested in learning useful artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning skills using Amazon Web Services (AWS), the most popular and powerful cloud platform. You will learn how to use AWS to transform your projects into apps that work at high speed and are highly scalable. From natural language processing (NLP) applications, such as language translation and understanding news articles and other text sources, to creating chatbots with both voice and text interfaces, you will learn all that there is to know about using AWS to your advantage. You will also understand how to process huge numbers of images fast and create machine learning models.

By the end of this book, you will have developed the skills you need to efficiently use AWS in your machine learning and artificial intelligence projects.

What you will learn

  • Get up and running with machine learning on the AWS platform
  • Analyze unstructured text using AI and Amazon Comprehend
  • Create a chatbot and interact with it using speech and text input
  • Retrieve external data via your chatbot
  • Develop a natural language interface
  • Apply AI to images and videos with Amazon Rekognition

Who this book is for

Machine Learning with AWS is ideal for data scientists, programmers, and machine learning enthusiasts who want to learn about the artificial intelligence and machine learning capabilities of Amazon Web Services.

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction to Amazon Web Services
  2. Summarizing Text Documents Using NLP
  3. Perform Topic Modelling and Theme Extraction
  4. Create a Chatbot with Natural Language
  5. Using Speech with the Chatbot
  6. Analyzing Images with Computer Vision


使用人工智慧和機器學習在 AWS 上創建引人入勝的應用程式

- 探索流行的 AI 和 ML 服務及其底層演算法
- 使用 AWS 環境管理您的 AI 工作流程
- 通過使用真實世界數據集的實作練習來加強關鍵概念

《Machine Learning with AWS》是初學者學習有用的人工智慧 (AI) 和機器學習技能的理想起點,這些技能是使用 Amazon Web Services (AWS),這是最受歡迎且功能強大的雲端平台。您將學習如何使用 AWS 將您的專案轉變為高效能且高度可擴展的應用程式。從自然語言處理 (NLP) 應用程式,例如語言翻譯和理解新聞文章及其他文本來源,到創建具有語音和文本介面的聊天機器人,您將學習所有有關如何利用 AWS 的知識。您還將了解如何快速處理大量圖像並創建機器學習模型。

在本書結束時,您將具備在機器學習和人工智慧專案中有效使用 AWS 所需的技能。

- 在 AWS 平台上快速入門機器學習
- 使用 AI 和 Amazon Comprehend 分析非結構化文本
- 創建聊天機器人並使用語音和文本輸入與其互動
- 通過聊天機器人檢索外部數據
- 開發自然語言介面
- 使用 Amazon Rekognition 將 AI 應用於圖像和視頻

《Machine Learning with AWS》非常適合希望了解 Amazon Web Services 的人工智慧和機器學習能力的數據科學家、程式設計師和機器學習愛好者。

1. 介紹 Amazon Web Services
2. 使用 NLP 總結文本文件
3. 執行主題建模和主題提取
4. 創建自然語言聊天機器人
5. 使用語音與聊天機器人互動
6. 使用計算機視覺分析圖像