Mastering Python Scripting for System Administrators: Mastering solutions for real-world administration problems with python

Ganesh Naik



Leverage the features and libraries of Python 3.6.4 to administrate your environment efficiently.

Key Features

  • Learn how to solve problems of system administrators and automate routine activities
  • Learn to handle regular expressions, network administration (remote device admin)
  • Building GUI, web-scraping and database administration including data analytics

Book Description

Python has evolved with time and extended its features towards every possible IT operations. Python is simple to learn, yet has powerful libraries, which can be used in building powerful Python scripts for solving real-world problems & automating administrator's routine activities. The mission of this book is to walk through a series of projects that will teach readers python scripting with each project.

This book will initially setup Python installation and quickly revise basic to advanced programming fundamentals. Then the book will revolve around the entire development process from setup to planning till building different tools. It will include IT administrators routine activities (text processing, regular expressions, files archiving, encrypting), network administration (socket programming, emails handling, remote controlling devices using telnet/ssh, protocols such as SNMP/DHCP), Building Graphical User Interface, working with websites (Apache log files processing, SOAP & REST APIs communication, web scraping) and database administration (MySQL and similar databases data administration, data analytics & reporting).

By the end of this book, you will be able to use the latest features of Python and you will be able to build powerful tools which will solve real-world challenging tasks.

    What you will learn

    • Learn to Install Python and debugging Python Scripts.
    • Understand and write scripts for automating testing & routine administrative activities.
    • Learn to write scripts for text processing, encrypting, decrypting and archiving.
    • Handle files such as pdf, excel, csv, txt and generate reports.
    • Write scripts for remote Network administration including handling emails
    • Build interactive tools with Graphical User Interface
    • Handle Apache log files, SOAP & REST APIs communication.
    • Automate Database administration and perform statistical analysis

    Who This Book Is For

    This book would be ideal for users with some basic understanding of Python programming and who are interested in scaling their programming skills to command line scripting and system administration.

    Prior knowledge of Python would be necessary.


    利用Python 3.6.4的功能和庫來高效管理您的環境。

    - 學習如何解決系統管理員的問題並自動化例行活動
    - 學習處理正則表達式、網絡管理(遠程設備管理)
    - 構建GUI、網絡爬蟲和數據庫管理,包括數據分析


    本書將首先設置Python安裝並快速複習基本到高級的編程基礎知識。然後,本書將圍繞從設置到規劃再到構建不同工具的整個開發過程展開。內容將包括IT管理員的例行活動(文本處理、正則表達式、文件存檔、加密)、網絡管理(套接字編程、處理電子郵件、使用telnet/ssh遠程控制設備、SNMP/DHCP等協議)、構建圖形用戶界面、與網站合作(處理Apache日誌文件、SOAP和REST API通信、網絡爬蟲)以及數據庫管理(MySQL和類似數據庫的數據管理、數據分析和報告)。


    - 學習安裝Python並調試Python腳本。
    - 理解並編寫用於自動化測試和例行管理活動的腳本。
    - 學習編寫用於文本處理、加密、解密和存檔的腳本。
    - 處理pdf、excel、csv、txt等文件並生成報告。
    - 編寫用於遠程網絡管理,包括處理電子郵件的腳本。
    - 構建具有圖形用戶界面的交互式工具。
    - 處理Apache日誌文件、SOAP和REST API通信。
    - 自動化數據庫管理並進行統計分析。

