Hands-On Parallel Programming with C# 8 and .NET Core 3 (Paperback)

Tanwar, Shakti




In today’s world, every CPU has a multi-core processor. However, unless your application has implemented parallel programming, it will fail to utilize the hardware’s full processing capacity. This book will show you how to write modern software on the optimized and high-performing .NET Core 3 framework using C# 8.

Hands-On Parallel Programming with C# 8 and .NET Core 3 covers how to build multithreaded, concurrent, and optimized applications that harness the power of multi-core processors. Once you’ve understood the fundamentals of threading and concurrency, you’ll gain insights into the data structure in .NET Core that supports parallelism. The book will then help you perform asynchronous programming in C# and diagnose and debug parallel code effectively. You’ll also get to grips with the new Kestrel server and understand the difference between the IIS and Kestrel operating models. Finally, you’ll learn best practices such as test-driven development, and run unit tests on your parallel code.

By the end of the book, you’ll have developed a deep understanding of the core concepts of concurrency and asynchrony to create responsive applications that are not CPU-intensive.

  • Write efficient, fine-grained, and scalable parallel code with C# and .NET Core
  • Experience how parallel programming works by building a powerful application
  • Learn the fundamentals of multithreading by working with IIS and Kestrel


在今天的世界中,每個CPU都擁有多核處理器。然而,除非您的應用程式實現了並行編程,否則它將無法充分利用硬體的處理能力。本書將向您展示如何使用C# 8在優化和高效執行的.NET Core 3框架上編寫現代軟體。

《Hands-On Parallel Programming with C# 8 and .NET Core 3》介紹了如何構建多線程、並行和優化的應用程式,以發揮多核處理器的威力。一旦您理解了線程和並行的基礎知識,您將深入了解.NET Core中支援並行的資料結構。本書還將幫助您在C#中執行非同步編程,有效地診斷和調試並行程式碼。您還將瞭解新的Kestrel伺服器,並理解IIS和Kestrel操作模型之間的差異。最後,您將學習最佳實踐,如測試驅動開發,並在並行程式碼上運行單元測試。


- 使用C#和.NET Core編寫高效、細粒度和可擴展的並行程式碼
- 通過構建強大的應用程式體驗並行編程的工作原理
- 通過與IIS和Kestrel一起工作來學習多線程的基礎知識

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