Full-Stack Web Development with Vue.js and Node: Build scalable and powerful web apps with modern web stack: MongoDB, Vue, Node.js, and Express (全端網頁開發:使用 Vue.js 和 Node 建構可擴展且強大的網頁應用程式)
Aneeta Sharma
The book covers a step-by-step guide from building an application with Express.js, creating RESTful APIs with Mongo DB, implementation of Vue.js on frontend, Single Page Application.
Key Features
- Learn how to construct modern web applications with Node.js, Express.js, MondoDB, and Vue.js
- Harness the power of the JavaScript on the client as well as server side to build your full stack applications.
- Gain deep and practical understanding of real-time web applications with real-world examples
Book Description
Isomorphic JavaScript has been the buzzword of the year 2017, allowing developers to utilize a single language throughout their web development stack and build cost effective and scalable application.
MEVN is a one such modern web development stack which comprises of web technologies like MongoDB, Express.js, Vue.js and Node. This book leverages the sweet harmony of these technologies to help you create real-time full stack web applications.
Starting with the core frameworks, this example based guide will explain all the key concepts and of each of the frameworks, how to set them up properly and how to use popular modules to connect them together and make them work cohesively by following the real world examples demonstrated in this book.
The readers will be able to scaffold their web application architecture, add authentication layer, and develop the MVC structure to support the development of your application. You'll learn how to create data models for your applications as well as writing REST APIs exposing your data model to your application. Further down the line we utilize various third party libraries (Socket.io), tools, and frameworks to add real-time functionality to our applications and streamline our daily development lifecycle.
Watch how your application development grows by learning from the only guide that is solely orientated towards building a full, end-to-end, real-time application using the MEVN stack!
What you will learn
- Build an application with Express.js
- Create Schemas using Mongoose
- Build a single page application using Vue.js and Express.js
- Build RESTful APIs using Express.js
- Add test cases to improve the reliability of the application
- Learn how to deploy apps on Heroku using Github
- Add authorization using passport
Who This Book Is For
If you are a web or a full-stack JavaScript developer who have tried their hands on the traditional stacks like LAMP and wish to explore a new stack with modern web technologies then this book is for you. This book is also for web or full stack developers who have tried using the traditional MEAN or MERN stack and wish to explore the power of Vue.js. Knowledge of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript is necessary.
這本書提供了一個逐步指南,從使用Express.js建立應用程式,到使用Mongo DB創建RESTful API,再到在前端實現Vue.js,以及單頁應用程式。
- 學習如何使用Node.js、Express.js、MongoDB和Vue.js構建現代網絡應用程式。
- 利用JavaScript在客戶端和服務器端的強大功能,構建全棧應用程式。
- 通過實際示例深入了解實時網絡應用程式。
讀者將能夠搭建網絡應用程式架構,添加身份驗證層,並開發支持應用程式開發的MVC結構。您將學習如何為應用程式創建數據模型,並編寫REST API將數據模型暴露給應用程式。在後續過程中,我們利用各種第三方庫(如Socket.io)、工具和框架為應用程式添加實時功能,並簡化日常開發生命周期。
- 使用Express.js構建應用程式。
- 使用Mongoose創建模式。
- 使用Vue.js和Express.js構建單頁應用程式。
- 使用Express.js構建RESTful API。
- 添加測試案例以提高應用程式的可靠性。
- 學習如何使用Github在Heroku上部署應用程式。
- 使用passport添加授權。