Mastering ROS for Robotics Programming, 2/e (Paperback)
暫譯: 精通ROS機器人程式設計(第二版)

Lentin Joseph, Jonathan Cacace



Key Features

  • Develop complex robotic applications using ROS for interfacing robot manipulators and mobile robots with the help of high end robotic sensors
  • Gain insights into autonomous navigation in mobile robot and motion planning in robot manipulators
  • Discover the best practices and troubleshooting solutions everyone needs when working on ROS

Book Description

Todays era is gaining a lot of traction towards robotics in various industries where consistency and perfection is mattered the most. Automation is playing a major role today, and most of it is acheived with robotic applications and various platforms that supoprt robotics. The Robot Operating System (ROS) is a modular software platform to develop generic robotic applications.This book will be focusing on the most stable release of ROS (Kinetic Kame) and will discuss the advanced concepts in robotics and how to program using ROS.

This book begins with deep overview of the ROS framework, which will give you a clear idea of how ROS really works. During the course of the book, you will learn how to build models of complex robots, and simulate and interface the robot using the ROS MoveIt motion planning library and ROS navigation stacks. This book will also teach you to leverage several ROS packages to embrace your robot models. After discussing robot manipulation and navigation in robots, you will get to grips with the interfacing I/O boards, sensors, and actuators of ROS. One of the essential ingredients of robots are vision sensors, and an entire chapter is dedicated to the vision sensor, its interfacing in ROS, and its programming. You will understand the hardware interfacing and simulation of complex robot to ROS and ROS Industrial (Package used for interfacing industrial robots).

By the end of this book, you will get to know the best practices to follow when programming using ROS.

What you will learn

  • Create a robot model of a Seven-DOF robotic arm and a differential wheeled mobile robot
  • Work with motion planning of a Seven-DOF arm using MoveIt!
  • Implement autonomous navigation in differential drive robots using SLAM and AMCL packages in ROS
  • Dig deep into the ROS Pluginlib, ROS nodelets, and Gazebo plugins
  • Interface I/O boards such as Arduino, Robot sensors, and High end actuators with ROS
  • Simulation and motion planning of ABB and Universal arm using ROS Industrial
  • Explore the ROS framework using its latest version



- 使用 ROS 開發複雜的機器人應用程式,以高端機器人感測器介接機器人操作臂和移動機器人
- 獲得有關移動機器人自主導航和機器人操作臂運動規劃的見解
- 發現每個人在使用 ROS 時所需的最佳實踐和故障排除解決方案


當今時代在各行各業中對機器人技術的關注日益增加,尤其是在一致性和完美性至關重要的領域。自動化在今天扮演著重要角色,而大部分自動化是通過機器人應用程式和各種支持機器人的平台來實現的。機器人操作系統(Robot Operating System, ROS)是一個模組化的軟體平台,用於開發通用的機器人應用程式。本書將專注於 ROS 的最穩定版本(Kinetic Kame),並討論機器人技術中的高級概念以及如何使用 ROS 進行編程。

本書首先深入概述 ROS 框架,讓您清楚了解 ROS 的運作方式。在本書的過程中,您將學習如何構建複雜機器人的模型,並使用 ROS MoveIt 運動規劃庫和 ROS 導航堆疊來模擬和介接機器人。本書還將教您利用多個 ROS 套件來增強您的機器人模型。在討論機器人操作和導航後,您將掌握 ROS 的 I/O 板、感測器和執行器的介接。機器人的一個基本組成部分是視覺感測器,專門有一章節介紹視覺感測器、其在 ROS 中的介接及其編程。您將了解複雜機器人與 ROS 及 ROS Industrial(用於介接工業機器人的套件)之間的硬體介接和模擬。

在本書結束時,您將了解在使用 ROS 進行編程時應遵循的最佳實踐。


- 創建一個七自由度機器手臂和一個差動驅動移動機器人的模型
- 使用 MoveIt! 進行七自由度手臂的運動規劃
- 使用 ROS 中的 SLAM 和 AMCL 套件實現差動驅動機器人的自主導航
- 深入研究 ROS Pluginlib、ROS nodelets 和 Gazebo 插件
- 將 I/O 板如 Arduino、機器人感測器和高端執行器與 ROS 介接
- 使用 ROS Industrial 進行 ABB 和 Universal 手臂的模擬和運動規劃
- 使用其最新版本探索 ROS 框架