Spring 5.0 Microservices, 2/e (Spring 5.0 微服務,第二版)

Rajesh R V



A practical, comprehensive, and user-friendly approach to building microservices in Spring

About This Book

  • Update existing applications to integrate reactive streams released as a part of Spring 5.0
  • Learn how to use Docker and Mesos to push the boundaries and build successful microservices
  • Upgrade the capability model to implement scalable microservices

Who This Book Is For

This book is ideal for Spring developers who want to build cloud-ready, Internet-scale applications, and simple RESTful services to meet modern business demands.

What You Will Learn

  • Familiarize yourself with the microservices architecture and its benefits
  • Find out how to avoid common challenges and pitfalls while developing microservices
  • Use Spring Boot and Spring Cloud to develop microservices
  • Handle logging and monitoring microservices
  • Leverage Reactive Programming in Spring 5.0 to build modern cloud native applications
  • Manage internet-scale microservices using Docker, Mesos, and Marathon
  • Gain insights into the latest inclusion of Reactive Streams in Spring and make applications more resilient and scalable

In Detail

The Spring Framework is an application framework and inversion of the control container for the Java platform. The framework's core features can be used by any Java application, but there are extensions to build web applications on top of the Java EE platform.

This book will help you implement the microservice architecture in Spring Framework, Spring Boot, and Spring Cloud. Written to the latest specifications of Spring that focuses


一本實用、全面且使用者友善的建構 Spring 微服務的方法書


- 更新現有應用程式以整合 Spring 5.0 發布的反應式串流
- 學習如何使用 Docker 和 Mesos 擴展極限並建構成功的微服務
- 升級能力模型以實現可擴展的微服務

本書適合對於建構雲端就緒、網際網路規模應用程式和簡單的 RESTful 服務以滿足現代商業需求的 Spring 開發人員。


- 熟悉微服務架構及其優點
- 避免開發微服務時常見的挑戰和陷阱
- 使用 Spring Boot 和 Spring Cloud 開發微服務
- 處理微服務的日誌記錄和監控
- 利用 Spring 5.0 中的反應式編程建構現代雲原生應用程式
- 使用 Docker、Mesos 和 Marathon 管理網際網路規模的微服務
- 瞭解 Spring 中最新的反應式串流並使應用程式更具彈性和可擴展性


Spring Framework 是一個應用程式框架和 Java 平台的控制反轉容器。該框架的核心功能可用於任何 Java 應用程式,但也有擴展功能可用於在 Java EE 平台上建構網頁應用程式。

本書將幫助你在 Spring Framework、Spring Boot 和 Spring Cloud 中實現微服務架構。內容根據最新的 Spring 規範撰寫。