Data Visualization with D3 4.x Cookbook, 2/e (Paperback)
暫譯: D3 4.x 數據視覺化食譜,第2版 (平裝)

Nick Zhu



Key Features

  • Learn about D3 4.0 from the inside out and master its new features
  • Utilize D3 packages to generate graphs, manipulate data, and create beautiful presentations
  • Solve real-world visualization problems with the help of practical recipes

Book Description

This book gives you all the guidance you need to start creating modern data visualizations with D3 4.x that take advantage of the latest capabilities of JavaScript.

The book starts with the basic D3 structure and building blocks and quickly moves on to writing idiomatic D3-style JavaScript code. You will learn how to work with selection to target certain visual elements on the page, then you will see techniques to represent data both in programming constructs and its visual metaphor. You will learn how map values in your data domain to the visual domain using scales, and use the various shape functions supported by D3 to create SVG shapes in visualizations.

Moving on, you ll see how to use and customize various D3 axes and master transition to add bells and whistles to otherwise dry visualizations. You ll also learn to work with charts, hierarchy, graphs, and build interactive visualizations. Next you ll work with Force, which is one of the most awe-inspiring techniques you can add to your visualizations, and you ll implement a fully functional Choropleth map (a special purpose colored map) in D3.

Finally, you ll learn to unit test data visualization code and test-driven development in a visualization project so you know how to produce high-quality D3 code.

What you will learn

  • Get a solid understanding of the D3 fundamentals and idioms
  • Use D3 to load, manipulate, and map data to any kind of visual representation on the web
  • Create data-driven dynamic visualizations that update as the data does
  • Leverage the various modules provided by D3 to create sophisticated, dynamic, and interactive charts and graphics
  • Create data-driven transitions and animations within your visualizations
  • Understand and leverage more advanced concepts such as force, touch, and Geo data visualizations

About the Author

Nick Zhu is a professional programmer and data engineer with more than a decade experience in software development, big data, and machine learning. Currently, he is one of the founders and CTO of - meta search engine for online shopping. He is also the creator of dc.js a popular multidimensional charting library built on D3.

Table of Contents

  1. Getting Started with D3.js
  2. Be Selective
  3. Dealing with Data
  4. Tipping the Scales
  5. Playing with Axes
  6. Transition with Style
  7. Getting into Shape
  8. Chart Them Up
  9. Lay Them Out
  10. Interacting with Your Visualization
  11. Using Force
  12. Knowing Your Map
  13. Test Drive Your Visualization
  14. Building Interactive Analytics in Minutes



- 從內部了解 D3 4.0,掌握其新功能
- 利用 D3 套件生成圖表、操作數據並創建美觀的演示文稿
- 通過實用的食譜解決現實世界的可視化問題


本書提供了您所需的所有指導,以開始使用 D3 4.x 創建現代數據可視化,充分利用 JavaScript 的最新功能。

本書從基本的 D3 結構和構建塊開始,迅速轉向編寫符合 D3 風格的 JavaScript 代碼。您將學習如何使用選擇來定位頁面上的特定視覺元素,然後您將看到在編程結構和其視覺隱喻中表示數據的技術。您將學習如何使用比例將數據域中的值映射到視覺域,並使用 D3 支持的各種形狀函數在可視化中創建 SVG 形狀。

接下來,您將看到如何使用和自定義各種 D3 軸,並掌握過渡效果,為原本乾燥的可視化增添一些花樣。您還將學習如何處理圖表、層次結構、圖形,並構建互動式可視化。接下來,您將使用 Force,這是您可以添加到可視化中的最令人驚嘆的技術之一,並在 D3 中實現一個功能完整的 Choropleth 地圖(專用的彩色地圖)。

最後,您將學習如何對數據可視化代碼進行單元測試,以及在可視化項目中進行測試驅動開發,以便您知道如何生成高質量的 D3 代碼。


- 深入理解 D3 的基本原理和慣用法
- 使用 D3 加載、操作和映射數據到任何類型的網頁視覺表示
- 創建隨數據更新的數據驅動動態可視化
- 利用 D3 提供的各種模組創建複雜、動態和互動的圖表和圖形
- 在您的可視化中創建數據驅動的過渡和動畫
- 理解並利用更高級的概念,如力、觸控和地理數據可視化


**Nick Zhu** 是一位專業程序員和數據工程師,擁有超過十年的軟體開發、大數據和機器學習經驗。目前,他是 的創始人之一及首席技術官,該網站是一個在線購物的元搜索引擎。他也是 dc.js 的創建者,這是一個基於 D3 的流行多維圖表庫。


1. 開始使用 D3.js
2. 精選元素
3. 處理數據
4. 調整比例
5. 操作坐標軸
6. 風格過渡
7. 形狀設計
8. 繪製圖表
9. 佈局設計
10. 與您的可視化互動
11. 使用力
12. 了解您的地圖
13. 測試您的可視化
14. 幾分鐘內構建互動分析