Instant Lucene.NET

Michael Heydt



Learn how to index and search through unstructured data using Lucene.NET


  • Learn something new in an Instant! A short, fast, focused guide delivering immediate results
  • Learn how to execute searches for document indexes
  • Understand scoring and influencing search results
  • Easily maintain your index

In Detail

Lucene.NET is a high performance search library for .NET based upon the proven Lucene open source search project that powers many of the world’s most powerful search tools. Using Lucene.NET in your application can easily provide these capabilities, which are relatively unfamiliar to .NET developers.

Instant Lucene.NET How-to is a practical, hands-on guide that provides you with a number of clear step-by-step recipes, which will help you take advantage of the power of Lucene.NET to add the ability to search through unstructured data in your .NET application.

This book demonstrates how to use Lucene.NET, breaking down the mystery and confusion around how to use the library in your .NET application with clear, practical recipes.

You will learn how to build your own index from complex documents and how to execute queries in order to identify matching documents for specific words and phrases as well as content that starts with or has “fuzziness”.

By the end of the book, you will have learned all the essentials you need to know to add search to applications, as well as how to manage the search process and performance as your data grows.

What you will learn from this book

  • Use NuGet Package Manager to add Lucene.NET to your solution
  • Read unstructured data to your Index
  • Understand how documents are scored
  • Increase the relevancy ranking of a document
  • Optimize your index
  • Cancel long running searches
  • Remove documents from an index
  • Update document data in an index


Filled with practical, step-by-step instructions and clear explanations for the most important and useful tasks. A step-by-step guide that helps you to index, search, and retrieve unstructured data with the help of Lucene.NET.

Who this book is written for

Instant Lucene.NET How-to is essential for developers new to Lucene and Lucene.NET who are looking to get an immediate foundational understanding of how to use the library in their application. It’s assumed you have programming experience in C# already, but not that you have experience with search techniques such as information retrieval theory (although there will be a little of that explained). The recipes in the book generate or come with sample documents, but feel free to use your own!




- 在瞬間學習新知識!一本短小、快速、專注的指南,能立即獲得結果
- 學習如何執行文件索引的搜索
- 理解評分和影響搜索結果
- 輕鬆維護索引



《Instant Lucene.NET How-to》是一本實用的、實踐性的手冊,提供了一系列清晰的、逐步的食譜,幫助您充分利用Lucene.NET的功能,在您的.NET應用程序中添加搜索非結構化數據的能力。





- 使用NuGet Package Manager將Lucene.NET添加到您的解決方案
- 將非結構化數據讀取到您的索引中
- 理解文檔的評分方式
- 提高文檔的相關性排名
- 優化您的索引
- 取消長時間運行的搜索
- 從索引中刪除文檔
- 更新索引中的文檔數據




《Instant Lucene.NET How-to》對於初次接觸Lucene和Lucene.NET的開發人員來說是必不可少的,他們希望立即獲得對如何在他們的應用程序中使用該庫的基礎理解。假設您已經具有C#的編程經驗,但對於信息檢索理論等搜索技術並不熟悉(儘管書中會有一點解釋)。本書中的食譜生成或附帶示例文檔,但您也可以使用自己的文檔!