Learning ROS for Robotics Programming (Paperback)
暫譯: 學習 ROS 進行機器人程式設計 (平裝本)

Aaron Martinez, Enrique Fernández



Why make life difficult for yourself in robotics programming? ROS is a software framework that already supports many functionalities, and this book will tell you everything you need to know to realize its full potential.


  • Model your robot on a virtual world and learn how to simulate it
  • Carry out state-of-the-art Computer Vision tasks
  • Easy to follow, practical tutorials to program your own robots

In Detail

Both the amateur and the professional roboticist who has ever tried their hand at robotics programming will have faced with the cumbersome task of starting from scratch, usually reinventing the wheel. ROS comes with a great number of already working functionalities, and this book takes you from the first steps to the most elaborate designs possible within this software framework.

"Learning ROS for Robotics Programming" is full of practical examples that will help you to understand the framework from the very beginning. Build your own robot applications in a simulated environment and share your knowledge with the large community supporting ROS.

"Learning ROS for Robotics Programming" starts with the basic concepts and usage of ROS in a very straightforward and practical manner. It is a painless introduction to the fascinating world of robotics, covering sensor integration, modeling, simulation, computer vision, and navigation algorithms, among other topics.

After the first two chapters, concepts like topics, messages, and nodes will become daily bread. Make your robot see with HD cameras, or navigate avoiding obstacles with range sensors. Furthermore, thanks to the contributions of the vast ROS community, your robot will be able to navigate autonomously, and even recognize and interact with you, in a matter of minutes.

"Learning ROS for Robotics Programming" will give you all the background you need to know in order to start in the fascinating world of robotics and program your own robot. Simply, you put the limit!

What you will learn from this book

  • Install a complete ROS Fuerte system
  • Create ROS packages and stacks, using and debugging them in real time
  • Create, handle, and debug ROS nodes
  • Design your 3D robot model and simulate it in a virtual environment within Gazebo
  • Use cameras to give vision to your robots, and calibrate and perform Computer Vision tasks with them
  • Use and integrate different sensors like Range Laser, Arduino, and Kinect with your robot
  • Create and adapt the navigation stack to work with your robot
  • Share your knowledge with the ROS community


The book will take an easy-to-follow and engaging tutorial approach, providing a practical and comprehensive way to learn ROS.

Who this book is written for

If you are a robotic enthusiast who wants to learn how to build and program your own robots in an easy-to-develop, maintainable and shareable way, "Learning ROS for Robotics Programming" is for you. In order to make the most of the book, you should have some C++ programming background, knowledge of GNU/Linux systems, and computer science in general. No previous background on ROS is required, since this book provides all the skills required. It is also advisable to have some background on version control systems, like svn or git, which are often used to share the code by the community.


為什麼要讓自己在機器人程式設計中變得困難呢?ROS 是一個已經支持許多功能的軟體框架,而這本書將告訴你實現其全部潛力所需了解的一切。

- 在虛擬世界中建模你的機器人,並學習如何進行模擬
- 執行最先進的計算機視覺任務
- 易於跟隨的實用教程,讓你編程自己的機器人

無論是業餘愛好者還是專業的機器人學家,曾經嘗試過機器人程式設計的人都會面臨從零開始的繁瑣任務,通常是重新發明輪子。ROS 提供了大量已經運作的功能,而這本書將帶你從最初的步驟到在這個軟體框架內可能的最複雜設計。

《學習 ROS 進行機器人程式設計》充滿了實用的範例,幫助你從一開始就理解這個框架。在模擬環境中構建自己的機器人應用,並與支持 ROS 的大型社群分享你的知識。

《學習 ROS 進行機器人程式設計》以非常直接和實用的方式開始介紹 ROS 的基本概念和使用方法。這是進入迷人機器人世界的無痛入門,涵蓋了感測器整合、建模、模擬、計算機視覺和導航演算法等主題。

在前兩章之後,主題、訊息和節點等概念將成為日常所需。讓你的機器人用高清攝影機看見,或使用距離感測器避開障礙物進行導航。此外,得益於龐大的 ROS 社群的貢獻,你的機器人將能夠自主導航,甚至在幾分鐘內識別並與你互動。

《學習 ROS 進行機器人程式設計》將提供你進入迷人機器人世界和編程自己的機器人所需的所有背景知識。簡單來說,你才是限制的所在!

- 安裝完整的 ROS Fuerte 系統
- 創建 ROS 套件和堆疊,並實時使用和調試它們
- 創建、處理和調試 ROS 節點
- 設計你的 3D 機器人模型並在 Gazebo 的虛擬環境中進行模擬
- 使用攝影機為你的機器人提供視覺,並進行校準和計算機視覺任務
- 使用和整合不同的感測器,如距離激光、Arduino 和 Kinect 與你的機器人
- 創建和調整導航堆疊以適應你的機器人
- 與 ROS 社群分享你的知識

這本書將採用易於跟隨且引人入勝的教程方式,提供一種實用且全面的學習 ROS 的方法。

如果你是一位希望以易於開發、可維護和可分享的方式學習如何構建和編程自己的機器人的機器人愛好者,《學習 ROS 進行機器人程式設計》就是為你而寫。為了充分利用這本書,你應該具備一些 C++ 程式設計背景、GNU/Linux 系統知識以及一般計算機科學知識。對於 ROS 不需要任何先前的背景,因為這本書提供了所需的所有技能。建議你對版本控制系統(如 svn 或 git)有一些了解,這些系統通常用於社群分享代碼。