Configuration Management: Expert guidance for IT service managers and practitioners (Paperback)
暫譯: 配置管理:IT服務經理與實務者的專家指導 (平裝本)
David Norfolk Shirley Lacy
Configuration management is the vital underpinning for IT governance generally and the effective delivery of timely, robust and resilient IT services in particular. This book includes expert feedback from practitioners who have implemented configuration management in a wide range of real environments. It is invaluable to IT professionals who are implementing configuration management and also to technology-savvy business managers who need to use automated business services. This revised edition is updated to reflect latest IT service management practice. Review: "A masterfully crafted synthesis of experience, workshops, interviews and case studies, this book is an invaluable contribution to the governance of continual configuration management improvement. It also accurately references IT service management processes." Krikor Maroukian, Project Manager, Printec S.A.
配置管理是資訊科技治理的基礎,特別是在有效提供及時、穩健和具韌性的資訊科技服務方面。本書包含了來自實踐者的專家反饋,他們在各種真實環境中實施了配置管理。對於正在實施配置管理的資訊科技專業人員以及需要使用自動化商業服務的技術精通的商業經理來說,這本書是無價的。本修訂版已更新,以反映最新的資訊科技服務管理實踐。評論:「這本書巧妙地綜合了經驗、工作坊、訪談和案例研究,是對持續配置管理改進治理的寶貴貢獻。它也準確地參考了資訊科技服務管理流程。」Krikor Maroukian,Printec S.A. 專案經理。