Commercial, personal and sensitive information is very hard to keep secure, and technological solutions are not the only answer. In today's technology-driven environment, there is an ever-increasing demand for information delivery on various devices in the office, at home and in public places. A compromise has to be struck between security of information and its availability. This book provides significant first steps along the path of dealing with information assurance in a realistic and comprehensive manner. The second edition has been expanded to include the security of cloud-based resources. The remainder of the contents have been reviewed and reordered to reflect the changes to the BCS Certification in Information Security Management Principles which the book supports. "The security of personal information has never been of greater concern to the public. The BCS provides valuable leadership in this area and this is a timely contribution to a vital process" (Richard Thomas, Information Commissioner). (Review of previous edition)
商業、個人及敏感資訊的安全性非常難以維護,而技術解決方案並不是唯一的答案。在當今以技術為驅動的環境中,對於在辦公室、家中及公共場所的各種設備上資訊傳遞的需求日益增加。必須在資訊的安全性與可用性之間取得平衡。本書提供了在現實且全面的方式下處理資訊保障的重大第一步。第二版已擴展以包括雲端資源的安全性。其餘內容已進行審查並重新排序,以反映本書所支持的資訊安全管理原則的 BCS 認證變更。「個人資訊的安全性從未如此受到公眾的關注。BCS 在這個領域提供了寶貴的領導力,這是對一個重要過程的及時貢獻。」(理查德·托馬斯,資訊專員)(對前一版的評價)