Computer Vision and Recognition Systems: Research Innovations and Trends
暫譯: 計算機視覺與識別系統:研究創新與趨勢

Chowdhary, Chiranji Lal, Reddy, G. Thippa, Parameshachari, B. D.

  • 出版商: Apple Academic Press
  • 出版日期: 2024-08-26
  • 售價: $3,580
  • 貴賓價: 9.5$3,401
  • 語言: 英文
  • 頁數: 256
  • 裝訂: Quality Paper - also called trade paper
  • ISBN: 177463936X
  • ISBN-13: 9781774639368
  • 相關分類: Computer Vision
  • 海外代購書籍(需單獨結帳)


This cutting-edge volume focuses on how artificial intelligence can be used to give computers the ability to imitate human sight. With contributions from researchers in diverse countries, including Thailand, Spain, Japan, Turkey, Australia, and India, the book explains the essential modules that are necessary for comprehending artificial intelligence experiences to provide machines with the power of vision. The volume also presents innovative research developments, applications, and current trends in the field. The chapters cover such topics as visual quality improvement, Parkinson's disease diagnosis, hypertensive retinopathy detection through retinal fundus, big image data processing, N-grams for image classification, medical brain images, chatbot applications, credit score improvisation, vision-based vehicle lane detection, damaged vehicle parts recognition, partial image encryption of medical images, and image synthesis. The chapter authors show different approaches to computer vision, image processing, and frameworks for machine learning to build automated and stable applications. Deep learning is included for making immersive application-based systems, pattern recognition, and biometric systems. The book also considers efficiency and comparison at various levels of using algorithms for real-time applications, processes, and analysis.




Chiranji Lal Chowdhary is an Associate Professor in the School of Information Technology & Engineering at VIT University, where he has been since 2010. He received a BE (CSE) from MBM Engineering College at Jodhpur in 2001, and MTech (CSE) from the M. S. Ramaiah Institute of Technology at Bangalore in 2008. He received his PhD in Information Technology and Engineering from the VIT University Vellore in 2017. From 2006 to 2010 he worked at M. S. Ramaiah Institute of Technology in Bangalore, eventually as a Lecturer. His research interests span both computer vision and image processing. Much of his work has been on images, mainly through the application of image processing, computer vision, pattern recognition, machine learning, biometric systems, deep learning, soft computing, and computational intelligence. As of 2020, Google Scholar reports over 270 citations to his work. He has given a few invited talks on medical image processing. Professor Chowdhary is editor/co-editor of three books and is the author of over 40 articles on computer science. He filed two patents deriving from his research.

Dr. Thippa Reddy Gadekallu is currently working as Associate Professor in the School of Information Technology and Engineering, VIT, Vellore, Tamil Nadu, India. He obtained his BTech in CSE from Nagarjuna University, India; MTech in CSE from Anna University, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India; and completed his PhD in VIT, Vellore, Tamil Nadu, India. He has more than 14 years of experience in teaching. He has published more than 50 international/national publications. Currently, his areas of research include Machine Learning, Internet of Things, Deep Neural Networks, Blockchain, Computer Vision. He filed one patents deriving from his research.

Dr. B. D. Parameshachari is currently working as a Professor and Head in the Department of Telecommunication Engineering at GSSS Institute of Engineering & Technology for Women, Mysuru, affiliated to Visvesvaraya Technological University (VTU), Belagavi, Karnataka, India. Under his leadership, the Dept. of TCE, GSSSIETW has Achieved NBA (Tier-II) Accreditation Twice. He completed his BE degree in Electronics and Communication Engineering from Kalpatharu Institute of Technology, Tiptur and MTech degree in Digital Communication Engineering from BMS College of Engineering, Bangalore. and completed his PhD in ECE from Jain University, Bangalore. He has a total 17+ years of teaching and research experience, and he has worked in various positions and at places like Karnataka, Kerala, and Mauritius (abroad). He is recognized as a Research Guide at VTU, Belagavi, and currently, five research scholars were pursuing PhD degrees under his supervision. Under his leadership, his affiliated department was successfully approved by various accreditation bodies and received certification. He was instrumental in establishing collaboration between GSSSIETW and Multimedia University, Malaysia and also with University of Sannio, Italy.


**Chiranji Lal Chowdhary** 是 VIT 大學資訊科技與工程學院的副教授,自 2010 年以來一直在此任教。他於 2001 年在喬德布爾的 MBM 工程學院獲得計算機科學與工程(CSE)學士學位,並於 2008 年在班加羅爾的 M. S. Ramaiah 技術學院獲得計算機科學與工程(CSE)碩士學位。他於 2017 年在 VIT 大學維洛爾獲得資訊科技與工程博士學位。從 2006 年到 2010 年,他在班加羅爾的 M. S. Ramaiah 技術學院工作,最終擔任講師。他的研究興趣涵蓋計算機視覺和影像處理。他的許多工作集中在影像上,主要通過影像處理、計算機視覺、模式識別、機器學習、生物識別系統、深度學習、軟計算和計算智能的應用。根據 Google Scholar 的報告,截至 2020 年,他的工作被引用超過 270 次。他曾就醫學影像處理發表過幾次受邀演講。Chowdhary 教授是三本書的編輯/共同編輯,並且是超過 40 篇計算機科學文章的作者。他的研究衍生出兩項專利。

**Dr. Thippa Reddy Gadekallu** 目前在印度泰米爾納德邦維洛爾的 VIT 資訊科技與工程學院擔任副教授。他在印度 Nagarjuna 大學獲得計算機科學與工程(CSE)學士學位,在印度泰米爾納德邦的安娜大學獲得計算機科學與工程(CSE)碩士學位,並在 VIT 獲得博士學位。他擁有超過 14 年的教學經驗,發表了超過 50 篇國際/國內出版物。目前,他的研究領域包括機器學習、物聯網、深度神經網絡、區塊鏈和計算機視覺。他的研究衍生出一項專利。

**Dr. B. D. Parameshachari** 目前在印度卡納塔克邦的 GSSS 女性工程與技術學院擔任教授及電信工程系主任,該學院隸屬於維斯維斯瓦拉亞技術大學(VTU),貝拉戈維。他的領導下,GSSSIETW 的電信工程系已兩次獲得 NBA(Tier-II)認證。他在 Kalpatharu Institute of Technology, Tiptur 獲得電子與通信工程學士學位,並在班加羅爾的 BMS 工程學院獲得數位通信工程碩士學位,最後在班加羅爾的 Jain 大學獲得電子與通信工程博士學位。他擁有超過 17 年的教學和研究經驗,曾在卡納塔克邦、喀拉拉邦和毛里求斯等地工作。他被認可為 VTU 的研究指導老師,目前有五名研究學者在他的指導下攻讀博士學位。在他的領導下,他所屬的系所成功獲得各種認證機構的批准並獲得認證。他在促進 GSSSIETW 與馬來西亞多媒體大學及意大利桑尼奧大學之間的合作方面發揮了重要作用。