Introduction to Linear Algebra (IE-Paperback) (線性代數入門 (IE-平裝本))

Gilbert Strang





I will be happy with this preface if three important points come through clearly :
1. The beauty and variety of linear algebra, and its extreme usefulness
2. The goals of this book, and the new features in this International Edition
3. The steady support from our linear algebra websites and the video lectures
May I begin with notes about two websites that are constantly used. Messages come from thousands of students and faculty about linear algebra on MIT's OpenCourseWare site. The Math 18.06 course includes video lectures of a complete semester of classes and 18.06SC adds problem solutions by MIT teachers. The video lectures offer an independent review of the whole subject based on this book. Ten million viewers around the world have seen these videos (amazing). I hope you find them helpful. This website is a permanent record of ideas and good problems. Solutions are now included for this International Edition. Several sections of the book are directly available online, plus notes on teaching linear algebra. The content is growing quickly and contributions are welcome from everyone.



1. 線性代數的美麗和多樣性,以及其極大的實用性
2. 本書的目標和這個國際版的新特點
3. 我們線性代數網站和視頻講座的持續支持

數千名學生和教職員在麻省理工學院的開放式課程網站上討論線性代數。Math 18.06課程包括一個完整學期的視頻講座,18.06SC則提供了麻省理工學院教師的問題解答。這些視頻講座基於本書,為整個主題提供了獨立的復習。全球已有一千萬觀眾觀看了這些視頻(令人驚訝)。我希望你會發現它們有幫助。


Gilbert Strang is a professor of mathematics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, where his research focuses on analysis, linear algebra and PDEs. He is the author of many textbooks and his service to the mathematics community is extensive. He has spent time both as President of SIAM and as Chair of the Joint Policy Board for Mathematics, and has been a member of various other committees and boards. He has received several awards for his research and teaching, including the Chauvenet Prize (1976), the Award for Distinguished Service (SIAM, 2003), the Graduate School Teaching Award (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2003) and the Von Neumann Prize Medal (US Association for Computational Mechanics, 2005), among others. He is a Member of the National Academy of Sciences, a Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, and an Honorary Fellow of Balliol College, Oxford.


Gilbert Strang是麻省理工學院的數學教授,他的研究專注於分析、線性代數和偏微分方程。他是許多教科書的作者,並且在數學界的服務非常廣泛。他曾擔任SIAM(美國工業和應用數學學會)的主席和聯合政策委員會主席,並且是其他各種委員會和董事會的成員。他因其研究和教學而獲得了多個獎項,包括Chauvenet獎(1976年)、傑出服務獎(SIAM,2003年)、研究生教學獎(麻省理工學院,2003年)和Von Neumann獎章(美國計算力學協會,2005年)等。他是美國國家科學院的成員,美國藝術與科學學院的院士,以及牛津大學巴利奧爾學院的名譽院士。


1. Introduction to vectors
2. Solving linear equations
3. Vector spaces and subspaces
4. Orthogonality
5. Determinants
6. Eigenvalues and eigenvectors
7. Linear transformations
8. Applications
9. Numerical linear algebra
10. Complex vectors and matrices


1. 向量介紹
2. 解線性方程組
3. 向量空間和子空間
4. 正交性
5. 行列式
6. 特徵值和特徵向量
7. 線性轉換
8. 應用
9. 數值線性代數
10. 複數向量和矩陣