Effective C : An Introduction to Professional C Programming, 2/e (Paperback)
暫譯: 有效的 C:專業 C 程式設計入門(第二版)

Seacord, Robert C.

  • 出版商: No Starch Press
  • 出版日期: 2024-10-29
  • 定價: $2,190
  • 售價: 8.8$1,927 (限時優惠至 2025-03-31)
  • 語言: 英文
  • 頁數: 312
  • 裝訂: Quality Paper - also called trade paper
  • ISBN: 1718504128
  • ISBN-13: 9781718504127
  • 相關分類: C 程式語言
  • 立即出貨 (庫存 < 4)



Effective C, 2nd edition, is an introduction to essential C language programming that will soon have you writing programs, solving problems, and building working systems.

The latest release of the C programming language, C23, enhances the safety, security, and usability of the language. This second edition of Effective C has been thoroughly updated to cover C23, offering a modern introduction to C that will teach you best practices for writing professional, effective, and secure programs that solve real-world problems.

Effective C is a true product of the C community. Robert C. Seacord, a long-standing member of the C standards committee with over 40 years of programming experience, developed the book in collaboration with other C experts, such as Clang's lead maintainer Aaron Ballman and C project editor JeanHeyd Meneide. Thanks to the efforts of this expert group, you'll learn how to:


  • Develop professional C code that is fast, robust, and secure
  • Use objects, functions, and types effectivel
  • Safely and correctly use integers and floating-point types
  • Manage dynamic memory allocation
  • Use strings and character types efficiently
  • Perform I/O operations using C standard streams and POSIX file descriptors
  • Make effective use of C's preprocessor
  • Debug, test, and analyze C programs

The world runs on code written in C. Effective C will show you how to get the most out of the language and build robust programs that stand the test of time.

New to this edition: This edition has been extensively rewritten to align with modern C23 programming practices and leverage the latest C23 features.

Updated to cover C23


Effective C(第二版)》是一本介紹C語言編程的基本書籍,將讓您迅速開始撰寫程式、解決問題並構建可運行的系統。

最新版本的C語言,C23,增強了語言的安全性、保安性和可用性。《Effective C》的第二版已全面更新,以涵蓋C23,提供現代化的C語言入門,教您撰寫專業、有效且安全的程式的最佳實踐,解決現實世界中的問題。

Effective C》是真正來自C社群的產品。Robert C. Seacord是C標準委員會的長期成員,擁有超過40年的編程經驗,他與其他C語言專家合作開發了這本書,包括Clang的首席維護者Aaron Ballman和C專案編輯JeanHeyd Meneide。感謝這個專家小組的努力,您將學會如何:

- 開發快速、穩健且安全的專業C代碼
- 有效使用物件、函數和類型
- 安全且正確地使用整數和浮點類型
- 管理動態記憶體分配
- 高效使用字串和字符類型
- 使用C標準流和POSIX文件描述符執行I/O操作
- 有效利用C的預處理器
- 除錯、測試和分析C程式

世界運行在用C語言編寫的代碼上。《Effective C》將向您展示如何充分利用這門語言,構建經得起時間考驗的穩健程式。

本版新內容: 本版已廣泛重寫,以符合現代C23編程實踐並利用最新的C23特性。



Robert C. Seacord, a world-renowned C programmer and educator, is the convenor of the C standards committee. Seacord's industry experience includes roles at IBM, the X Consortium, and currently Woven by Toyota. He was a researcher at Carnegie Mellon University's Software Engineering Institute and professor at the Carnegie Mellon School of Computer Science, the Information Networking Institute, and the University of Pittsburgh. His previous books include The CERT(R) C Coding Standard and Secure Coding in C and C++.


羅伯特·C·西科德(Robert C. Seacord)是一位世界知名的 C 程式設計師和教育家,也是 C 標準委員會的召集人。西科德的產業經驗包括在 IBM、X Consortium 的角色,目前在豐田的 Woven 擔任職位。他曾是卡內基梅隆大學軟體工程研究所的研究員,以及卡內基梅隆大學計算機科學學院、資訊網路研究所和匹茲堡大學的教授。他的前著作包括 CERT(R) C 程式設計標準C 和 C++ 的安全程式設計