Graph Algorithms the Fun Way: Powerful Algorithms Decoded, Not Oversimplified
暫譯: 有趣的圖形演算法:強大的演算法解碼,不是過度簡化
Kubica, Jeremy
- 出版商: No Starch Press
- 出版日期: 2024-11-19
- 定價: $2,170
- 售價: 9.0 折 $1,953
- 語言: 英文
- 頁數: 416
- 裝訂: Quality Paper - also called trade paper
- ISBN: 1718503865
- ISBN-13: 9781718503861
立即出貨 (庫存 < 3)
Enter the wonderful world of graph algorithms, where you'll learn when and how to apply these highly useful data structures to solve a wide range of fascinating (and fantastical) computational problems. Graph Algorithms the Fun Way offers a refreshing approach to complex concepts by blending humor, imaginative examples, and practical Python implementations to reveal the power and versatility of graph based problem-solving in the real world. Through clear diagrams, engaging examples, and Python code, you'll build a solid foundation for addressing graph problems in your own projects. Explore a rich landscape of cleverly constructed scenarios where:
From fundamental graph structures to advanced topics, you will:
Delve into topological sorting, minimum spanning trees, strongly connected components, and random walks. Confront challenges like graph coloring and the traveling salesperson problem. Prepare to view the world through the lens of graphs--where connections reveal insights and algorithms unlock new possibilities.
- Hedge mazes illuminate depth-first search
- Urban explorations demonstrate breadth-first search
- Intricate labyrinths reveal bridges and articulation points
- Strategic planning illustrates bipartite matching
From fundamental graph structures to advanced topics, you will:
- Implement powerful algorithms, including Dijkstra's, A*, and Floyd-Warshall
- Tackle puzzles and optimize pathfinding with newfound confidence
- Uncover real-world applications in social networks and transportation systems
- Develop robust intuition for when and why to apply specific graph techniques
Delve into topological sorting, minimum spanning trees, strongly connected components, and random walks. Confront challenges like graph coloring and the traveling salesperson problem. Prepare to view the world through the lens of graphs--where connections reveal insights and algorithms unlock new possibilities.
以有趣的方式學習圖形演算法 提供了一種清新的方法來理解複雜的概念,通過幽默、富有想像力的範例和實用的 Python 實作,揭示了基於圖形的問題解決在現實世界中的力量和多樣性。透過清晰的圖示、引人入勝的範例和 Python 代碼,你將為在自己的專案中解決圖形問題打下堅實的基礎。 探索一個巧妙構建的場景豐富的世界,其中:- 樹籬迷宮照亮了深度優先搜尋
- 城市探索展示了廣度優先搜尋
- 錯綜複雜的迷宮揭示了橋和關鍵點
- 策略規劃說明了二分匹配
- 實作強大的演算法,包括 Dijkstra's、A* 和 Floyd-Warshall
- 以全新的信心解決謎題並優化路徑尋找
- 發現社交網路和交通系統中的實際應用
- 培養對何時以及為何應用特定圖形技術的堅實直覺
深入了解拓撲排序、最小生成樹、強連通分量和隨機漫步。面對圖形著色和旅行推銷員問題等挑戰。 準備好透過圖形的視角來看待世界——在這裡,連結揭示洞察,演算法解鎖新的可能性。
Jeremy Kubica is an engineering director working at the intersection of computer science and astrophysics. He holds a PhD in robotics from Carnegie Mellon University and a BS in computer science from Cornell University. He is the author of The CS Detective, Data Structures the Fun Way (both from No Starch Press), and Computational Fairy Tales.
Jeremy Kubica 是一位工程總監,專注於計算機科學與天體物理學的交集。他擁有卡內基梅隆大學的機器人學博士學位,以及康奈爾大學的計算機科學學士學位。他是 The CS Detective、Data Structures the Fun Way(均由 No Starch Press 出版)和 Computational Fairy Tales 的作者。