Locksport: A Hackers Guide to Lockpicking, Impressioning, and Safe Cracking

Weyers, Jos, Burrough, Matt, Belgers, Walter

  • 出版商: No Starch Press
  • 出版日期: 2024-03-19
  • 定價: $1,950
  • 售價: 9.0$1,755
  • 語言: 英文
  • 頁數: 416
  • 裝訂: Quality Paper - also called trade paper
  • ISBN: 1718502249
  • ISBN-13: 9781718502246
  • 相關分類: 駭客 Hack
  • 立即出貨 (庫存 < 3)


A comprehensive, fully illustrated guide to the fascinating sport of picking locks, Locksport is authored by five of the field's foremost champions. Together, they'll show you how to ethically, efficiently, and effectively bypass anything--from simple locks and safe dials to deadlocks and vaults.

Welcome to the world of locksport, the sport of defeating locks. Whether you're new to the challenge of lockpicking or aiming for championship gold, this book serves as your definitive guide, packed with practical advice from a team of experts.


  • How various locks work and how to maintain and disassemble practice locks
  • What makes some locks more secure than others
  • The laws, competitions, and communities that make up the world of locksport



  • How to pick pin tumblers and lever locks, make impressions or craft a working key from a blank, and manipulate open combination safe locks
  • How to work with picks, rakes, tension wrenches, files, magnification tools, safe-lock graphs, and depth-measuring instruments
  • The intricacies of security pins, wards, dimple locks, keyways, and antique locks




  • The ins and outs of competition setup and tools and how to host your own competitions
  • Expert strategies for managing your nerves and gathering lock intel
  • What it's like to participate in timed head-to-head competitions, PicTacToe(TM), escape challenges, and other lockpicking contests

From mastering your first padlock to conquering a competition, Locksport will show you how to take your skills to the next level--and have endless fun doing it.





- 各種鎖具的工作原理,以及如何維護和拆卸練習鎖
- 什麼使某些鎖具比其他鎖具更安全
- 構成開鎖運動世界的法律、比賽和社群

- 如何挑選鎖芯和槓桿鎖,從空白鑰匙製作印象或工作鑰匙,以及操作開放組合保險箱鎖
- 如何使用撬棒、刷子、張力扳手、文件、放大工具、保險箱鎖圖表和深度測量儀器
- 安全芯片、護板、凹槽鎖、鑰匙孔和古董鎖的細節

- 比賽設置和工具的方方面面,以及如何主辦自己的比賽
- 管理緊張情緒和收集鎖具情報的專家策略
- 參加計時對決、PicTacToe(TM)、逃脫挑戰和其他開鎖比賽的體驗



Jos Weyers is a world-record holder in the field of lock impressioning and a mainstay participant at LockSport events around the world. President of TOOOL in the Netherlands and a key figure at the Hack42 hackerspace in Arnhem. Jos is the mastermind behind the beehive42.org initiative. Some people know him as the Dutch Kilt guy. Featured in the New York Times. Voted #2 in the category "Hackers and Security" of the Nerd101-list of VrijNederland June 2015.

Matt Burrough is a devoted locksport hobbyist. His locksport highlights include placing twice in the ShmooCon Lockpick Village competition, second place in the 2019 TOOOL US LockFest safe manipulation competition, and getting first-round opens at every TOOOL NL LockCon since 2016. During the day, Matt is a professional red team operator, and is the author of Pentesting Azure Applications (2018, No Starch Press.) He holds a bachelor's degree in networking, security, and system administration, a master's degree in computer science, and a variety of industry certifications from GIAC (SANS), Microsoft, and Offensive Security.

Walter Belgers is a hacker, having worked in IT security for all his life, the majority as a penetration tester and currently as a security officer at Philips. He has an M.Sc. in computing science and has been on the internet since the 1980s. He is an honorary member of TOOOL, the Open Organisation of Lockpickers and NLUUG, the Dutch UNIX Users Group. Walter likes to speak at technical conferences. He has co-invented a microcomputer without microprocessor and turned it into a DIY kit. His hobbies are diverse, but include drifting and rally driving, sailing, reading, travelling and photography.

BandEAtoZ is a GSA certified safe technician with years of experience opening safes around the world. He regularly publishes articles of interest in both the locksmithing magazine, Keynotes and in the more specialized periodical, Safe and Vault Technology, reaching safe engineers around the world. He is an active member in the Safe & Vault Technicians Association, the National Safeman's Organization and numerous professional forums.

Nigel Tolley was picking locks and subverting security as a schoolboy, long before he had ever heard of locksmiths or locksport. However, this wasn't a career path, and so university called, and a job as an aerospace engineer, with a side line of databases and coding, became his daily reality. He escaped before dying of boredom, but it was close!

After quitting the "big corp" world, he spent a year learning absolutely everything he could about locks. This is before the internet was quite as valuable a resource as it is today, and rather a lot of self-teaching and figuring things out happened - and most locksmiths didn't even pick locks. As a locksmith for around 17 years now, he has watched as attitudes have changed, and has now taught thousands of people, including many other locksmiths, to pick locks at various courses, conferences and events. He has lectured and presented at everything from corporate ice breaker events to, of course, the various LockCon. Under assorted NDA he has also consulted with lock manufacturers and designers, and found many an exploit for physical security devices. A dedicated maker of many things, but especially tools.


Jos Weyers是世界上鎖匠印模領域的世界紀錄保持者,也是全球LockSport活動的主要參與者。他是荷蘭TOOOL的主席,也是Arnhem的Hack42 hackerspace的重要人物。Jos是beehive42.org計畫的幕後策劃者。有些人稱他為荷蘭裙子男子。他曾被紐約時報報導。他在2015年6月的VrijNederland Nerd101名單中被選為“駭客和安全”類別的第二名。

Matt Burrough是一位熱衷於鎖匠運動的愛好者。他的鎖匠亮點包括兩次在ShmooCon Lockpick Village競賽中名列前茅,2019年TOOOL US LockFest保險櫃操作競賽中獲得第二名,以及自2016年以來在每一屆TOOOL NL LockCon中都能成功開鎖。白天,Matt是一名專業的紅隊操作員,也是《Pentesting Azure Applications》(2018年,No Starch Press)的作者。他擁有網絡、安全和系統管理學士學位,以及來自GIAC(SANS)、Microsoft和Offensive Security的多種行業認證。

Walter Belgers是一位駭客,他一生都在IT安全領域工作,其中大部分時間是作為滲透測試員,目前在飛利浦擔任安全官。他擁有計算機科學碩士學位,自1980年代以來一直在互聯網上活動。他是TOOOL(開放式鎖匠組織)和NLUUG(荷蘭UNIX用戶組織)的名譽會員。Walter喜歡在技術會議上演講。他共同發明了一個沒有微處理器的微型計算機並將其製作成DIY套件。他的愛好多樣,包括漂移和拉力賽車、帆船、閱讀、旅行和攝影。

BandEAtoZ是一位經驗豐富的GSA認證保險櫃技術人員,多年來在世界各地開啟保險櫃。他定期在鎖匠雜誌《Keynotes》和更專門的期刊《Safe and Vault Technology》上發表有趣的文章,觸及全球的保險櫃工程師。他是Safe & Vault Technicians Association、National Safeman's Organization和許多專業論壇的活躍成員。

Nigel Tolley在他聽說鎖匠和鎖匠運動之前,就已經在學生時代就開始撬鎖和破壞安全系統。然而,這並不是他的職業道路,所以他選擇上大學,成為一名航空航天工程師,同時兼顧數據庫和編碼。他在死於無聊之前逃脫了這個工作!在離開“大公司”世界後,他花了一年的時間學習關於鎖匠的一切。這是在互聯網還不像今天這樣有價值的資源之前,他進行了很多自學和摸索 - 大多數鎖匠甚至不會撬鎖。作為一名鎖匠,他已經有大約17年的經驗,他看到了態度的改變,現在他已經教授了成千上萬的人,包括許多其他鎖匠,在各種課程、會議和活動中學習撬鎖。他曾在各種場合演講和發表,從企業破冰活動到各種LockCon。在各種保密協議下,他還與鎖匠製造商和設計師進行了諮詢,並找到了許多物理安全設備的漏洞。他是一位全心全意製造各種工具的製造者。