The Book of Dash: Build Dashboards with Python and Plotly (Paperback)

Schroeder, Adam, Mayer, Christian, Ward, Ann Marie



Create stunning interactive dashboard applications in Python with the Dash visualization and data analysis tool. Build interfaces that make sense of your data, and make it pretty.

A swift and practical introduction to building interactive data visualization apps in Python, known as dashboards. You've seen dashboards before; think election result visualizations you can update in real time, or population maps you can filter by demographic. With the Python Dash library you'll create analytic dashboards that present data in effective, usable, elegant ways in just a few lines of code.

The book is fast-paced and caters to those entirely new to dashboards. It will talk you through the necessary software, then get straight into building the dashboards themselves. You'll learn the basic format of a Dash app in a Twitter analysis dashboard that tracks numbers of likes over time. You'll then build up skills through three more sophisticated projects. The first compares world data in three areas: volume of internet usage, percentage of parliament seats held by women, and CO2 emissions; the second is a financial portfolio dashboard that models your investments; and the third is visualizesmachine learning algorithms. The final chapter sets you up with some useful final skills, like debugging your code and applying color themes.

In this book you will:

  • Create and run your first Dash apps
  • Use the pandas library to manipulate and analyze social media and API data
  • Create a variety of stunning and effective charts using Plotly
  • Learn to use bar charts, chloropleth maps, contour plots, and more
  • Examine and build on existing apps written by the pros

  • Dash combines several technologies to get you building dashboards quickly and efficiently. This book will do the same.




- 創建和運行您的第一個Dash應用程序
- 使用pandas庫來操作和分析社交媒體和API數據
- 使用Plotly創建各種令人驚艷和有效的圖表
- 學習使用條形圖、氯化物地圖、等高線圖等
- 檢查並構建專業人士編寫的現有應用程序



Adam Schroeder has been teaching Plotly Dash for over two years on YouTube as @CharmingData. His videos have over 60 thousand views per month. Adam is passionate about helping people learn data visualization. He has an M.A. in Government and Conflict Resolution and currently works at Plotly.

Christian Mayer has a PhD in computer science and is the founder of the popular Python site, an educational platform that helps more than 3 million people a year learn to code. He has published a number of books, including the Coffee Break Python series, and is the author of Python One-Liners (No Starch Press, 2020).

Ann Marie Ward is a Dash contributor and a moderator on the Dash community forum. Ann Marie has a BA in Economics and is a retired CEO. She discovered Dash when searching for a better way to analyze financial data and was so amazed by what's possible to create with Dash that she started to learn Python, JavaScript and R. Her contributions to Dash include improving documentation, fixing bugs, and adding features.


Adam Schroeder(@CharmingData)在YouTube上已經教授Plotly Dash超過兩年。他的影片每個月有超過6萬次觀看。Adam熱衷於幫助人們學習數據可視化。他擁有政府和衝突解決的碩士學位,目前在Plotly工作。

Christian Mayer擁有計算機科學博士學位,是流行的Python網站Finxter.com的創始人,該教育平台每年幫助超過300萬人學習編程。他出版了多本書籍,包括《Coffee Break Python》系列,並且是《Python One-Liners》(No Starch Press,2020)的作者。

Ann Marie Ward是Dash的貢獻者,也是Dash社區論壇的版主。Ann Marie擁有經濟學學士學位,是一位退休的首席執行官。她在尋找更好的分析金融數據的方法時發現了Dash,對Dash可以創造的可能性感到驚訝,於是開始學習Python、JavaScript和R。她對Dash的貢獻包括改進文檔、修復錯誤和添加功能。