The Big Book of Small Python Projects: 81 Easy Practice Programs
暫譯: 小型 Python 專案大全:81 個簡易練習程式

Sweigart, Al

  • 出版商: No Starch Press
  • 出版日期: 2021-06-25
  • 定價: $1,398
  • 售價: 8.8$1,230 (限時優惠至 2025-03-31)
  • 語言: 英文
  • 頁數: 432
  • 裝訂: Quality Paper - also called trade paper
  • ISBN: 1718501242
  • ISBN-13: 9781718501249
  • 相關分類: Python程式語言
  • 立即出貨 (庫存=1)



Deploy Python creatively and effectively through this collection of short coding projects carefullly curated by best-selling author and Python expert Al Sweigart.

This curated collection of simple Python projects lets you dive right in and make digital art, games, animations, number-crunching tools and more - right away! Forget standard step-by-step tutorials; instead, author Al Sweigart takes a learn-by-doing approach that provides you with over 80 programs to manually copy, run, and play with. Once you see how the code works, it's time to experiment with your own changes and practice re-creating them yourself.

Each project is a standalone mini-chapter that includes a sample run of the program's output, the source code, and suggestions for customization. Whether it's a vintage screensaver, a snail-racing game, a clickbait headline generator, or animated strands of your DNA, these simple, text-based programs are small - limited to 256 lines of code or less - and designed to be self-contained in a single source-code file so you can easily post and share them online.

You'll create:

● Hangman, Blackjack and other games to play against a computer or your friends
● Simulations of a spreading forest fire, a million dice rolls, and a Japanese abacus
● Animation programs, like a fish tank, a rotating cube, and a bouncing DVD logo
● Mazes that you design then escape from, and a 3D Maze Runner-like video game
● Encryption programs that use ciphers like ROT13 and Vigenère to conceal text

For those who've mastered basic Python syntax and are ready to have fun making programs, the projects in this book will spark new ideas for what's possible within just a few pages of code.


透過這本由暢銷書作者及 Python 專家 Al Sweigart 精心策劃的短程式專案集,創意且有效地部署 Python。

這個精選的簡單 Python 專案集讓你可以立即開始創作數位藝術、遊戲、動畫、數字運算工具等!忘掉標準的逐步教學;相反地,作者 Al Sweigart 採取了「邊做邊學」的方法,提供你超過 80 個程式可以手動複製、運行和玩耍。一旦你了解程式碼的運作方式,就可以開始嘗試自己的修改並練習重新創建它們。

每個專案都是一個獨立的小章節,包括程式輸出的範例運行、源代碼和自訂建議。無論是復古的螢幕保護程式、蜗牛賽跑遊戲、點擊誘餌標題生成器,還是你 DNA 的動畫串,這些簡單的文字基礎程式都很小 - 限制在 256 行代碼或更少 - 並設計為自包含在單一源代碼文件中,讓你可以輕鬆地在線上發布和分享。


● 猜字遊戲、二十一點及其他可以與電腦或朋友對戰的遊戲
● 擴散森林大火、百萬次擲骰子和日本算盤的模擬
● 動畫程式,如魚缸、旋轉立方體和彈跳的 DVD 標誌
● 你設計的迷宮然後逃脫,以及一個類似於 3D Maze Runner 的視頻遊戲
● 使用像 ROT13 和 Vigenère 的密碼進行文本加密的程式

對於那些已經掌握基本 Python 語法並準備享受創作程式的讀者,這本書中的專案將激發你在僅僅幾頁代碼中所能實現的新想法。


Al Sweigart is a professional software developer who teaches programming to kids and adults. Sweigart has written several bestselling programming books for beginners, including Automate the Boring Stuff with Python, Beyond the Basic Stuff with Python, Invent Your Own Computer Games with Python, Cracking Codes with Python, and Coding with Minecraft (all from No Starch Press).


阿·斯維加特(Al Sweigart)是一位專業的軟體開發人員,專門教授兒童和成人程式設計。斯維加特撰寫了幾本針對初學者的暢銷程式設計書籍,包括《用 Python 自動化無聊的工作》(Automate the Boring Stuff with Python)、《Python 進階技巧》(Beyond the Basic Stuff with Python)、《自己創造電腦遊戲》(Invent Your Own Computer Games with Python)、《用 Python 破解密碼》(Cracking Codes with Python)以及《與 Minecraft 一起編程》(Coding with Minecraft)(均由 No Starch Press 出版)。