Hardcore Programming for Mechanical Engineers: Build Engineering Applications from Scratch
暫譯: 機械工程師的硬核程式設計:從零開始構建工程應用程式

Sola Orbaiceta, Angel



An exploration of core programming techniques for engineers. Learn to solve real engineering problems.

Hardcore Programming for Engineers is about solving mechanical engineering problems using a computer. These problems require good programming skills and some knowledge of computer graphics, geometry, regular expressions, and other technologies that are covered in this book but which are typically hard to find in one text alone. The book covers all the essential ingredients that make up engineering applications with a focus on code quality and automated unit testing to ensure that code does what it is supposed to do, without errors.

The hardcore approach means that you do everything yourself and write a lot of code. The approach takes much longer than using existing libraries but it's key to acquiring a deeper understanding of how things work. You code everything from a library that deals with 2D geometry to a finished engineering application that reads data from a text file, parses it, and produces a vector image as a result. In the process, you gain a full understanding of how many disciplines come together to solve a problem, how to build small libraries to solve individuals problems, and how to make it all work together seamlessly.



硬核程式設計工程師 是關於使用電腦解決機械工程問題的書籍。這些問題需要良好的程式設計技能以及一些計算機圖形學、幾何學、正則表達式和其他技術的知識,這些內容在本書中都有涵蓋,但通常很難在單一文本中找到。這本書涵蓋了構成工程應用的所有基本要素,重點在於程式碼質量和自動單元測試,以確保程式碼能如預期運行,且不會出錯。

硬核的方法意味著你需要自己完成所有工作並撰寫大量程式碼。這種方法所需的時間比使用現有庫要長得多,但這對於深入理解事物的運作方式至關重要。你將從處理 2D 幾何的庫開始編寫程式碼,直到完成一個工程應用,該應用能從文本文件中讀取數據、解析數據並生成向量圖像。在這個過程中,你將全面了解多個學科如何協同解決問題,如何構建小型庫來解決個別問題,以及如何使所有部分無縫協作。


Angel Sola Orbaiceta has been working in the software industry since 2013. He has a degree in industrial engineering with a focus in mechanics and currently works at Glovo, a thriving start-up in the heart of Barcelona. Angel is also the creator of InkStructure, an application for architecture and engineering students that solves 2D structure problems.


Angel Sola Orbaiceta 自2013年以來一直在軟體產業工作。他擁有工業工程學位,專注於機械領域,目前在位於巴塞隆納中心的蓬勃發展的初創公司 Glovo 工作。Angel 也是 InkStructure 的創建者,這是一款為建築和工程學生設計的應用程式,旨在解決 2D 結構問題。