This is the most comprehensive book you will find on Autodesk Revit 2021 Architecture. Covering all of the 2D concepts, it uses both metric and imperial units to illustrate the myriad drawing and editing tools for this popular application. Use the companion files to set up drawing exercises and projects and see all of the book's figures in color. Revit 2021 Architecture includes over 50 exercises or "mini-workshops," that complete small projects from concept through actual plotting. Solving all of the workshops will simulate the creation of three projects (architectural and mechanical) from beginning to end, without overlooking any of the basic commands and functions in Autodesk Revit 2021.
- Covers Autodesk Revit 2021 updates and new features
- Designed for novice users of Revit 2021 Architecture. Most useful for "teach yourself" or instructor-led Revit training. No previous CAD experience is required
- Uses both English and metric units in examples, exercises, projects, and descriptions
- Accompanied by companion files that feature drawings, practice and finished plots, figures, etc.
- Includes over 50 "mini-workshops" and hundreds of figures that complete small projects
- Helps you to prepare for the Revit Architecture Certified Professional exam
- Exercises and projects included for use as a textbook
(Files also available for downloading from the publisher with proof of purchase)
--Practice Drawing Exercises and Projects (Metric & English)
--Finished Plots for Drawing Exercises and Projects
--All Images from the Text
這是您能找到的最全面的《Autodesk Revit 2021 Architecture》書籍。涵蓋所有的 2D 概念,使用公制和英制單位來說明這個受歡迎應用程式的各種繪圖和編輯工具。使用附帶檔案來設置繪圖練習和專案,並查看書中所有圖形的彩色版本。《Revit 2021 Architecture》包含超過 50 個練習或「迷你工作坊」,這些練習從概念到實際繪圖完成小型專案。解決所有工作坊將模擬三個專案(建築和機械)的創建過程,從頭到尾不會忽略 Autodesk Revit 2021 中的任何基本命令和功能。
- 涵蓋 Autodesk Revit 2021 的更新和新功能
- 專為 Revit 2021 Architecture 的初學者設計。最適合自學或由講師主導的 Revit 培訓。不需要先前的 CAD 經驗
- 在範例、練習、專案和描述中使用公制和英制單位
- 附帶包含繪圖、練習和完成圖、圖形等的附檔
- 包含超過 50 個「迷你工作坊」和數百個圖形,完成小型專案
- 幫助您準備《Revit Architecture Certified Professional》考試
- 包含可用作教科書的練習和專案
-- 練習繪圖練習和專案(公制和英制)
-- 繪圖練習和專案的完成圖
-- 來自文本的所有圖像