Computer Graphics Programming in OpenGL with C++ (Computer Science)
暫譯: 使用 C++ 的 OpenGL 電腦圖形程式設計 (計算機科學)

V. Scott Gordon, John L. Clevenger



This book provides step-by-step instruction on modern 3D graphics shader programming in C++ and OpenGL. It is appropriate for computer science undergraduate graphics programming courses and for professionals who are interested in mastering 3D graphics skills. It has been designed in a 4-color, “teach-yourself” format with numerous examples that the reader can run just as presented. The book is unique in its heavy emphasis on student learning, making the complex topic of shader programming as accessible as possible. Includes companion files with source code and images.


• Covers OpenGL 4.0+ shader programming using C++, using Windows or Mac.

• Includes companion files with code, models, textures, images from the book, and more.

• Illustrates every technique with complete running code examples. Everything needed to install and run every example is provided and fully explained.

• Includes step-by-step instruction for every GLSL programmable pipeline stage (vertex, tessellation, geometry, and fragment) -- with examples.

• Explains how to install and use essential OpenGL libraries such as GLEW, GLFW, glm, and others, for both Windows and Mac.


這本書提供了關於現代 3D 圖形著色器程式設計的逐步指導,使用 C++ 和 OpenGL。適合計算機科學本科生的圖形程式設計課程,以及對掌握 3D 圖形技能感興趣的專業人士。書中採用四色的「自學」格式,包含大量範例,讀者可以直接運行這些範例。這本書獨特之處在於它對學生學習的重視,使得複雜的著色器程式設計主題變得盡可能易於理解。書中還附有伴隨檔案,包括源代碼和圖像。


• 涵蓋使用 C++ 的 OpenGL 4.0+ 著色器程式設計,適用於 Windows 或 Mac。

• 包含伴隨檔案,內含書中的代碼、模型、紋理、圖像等。

• 每個技術都有完整的運行代碼範例進行說明。提供並詳細解釋運行每個範例所需的一切。

• 包含每個 GLSL 可編程管線階段(頂點、細分、幾何和片段)的逐步指導,並附有範例。

• 解釋如何安裝和使用基本的 OpenGL 函式庫,如 GLEW、GLFW、glm 等,適用於 Windows 和 Mac。