Effective Haskell: Solving Real-World Problems with Strongly Typed Functional Programming (Paperback)

Skinner, Rebecca

  • 出版商: Pragmatic Bookshelf
  • 出版日期: 2023-08-22
  • 定價: $2,230
  • 售價: 9.5$2,119
  • 語言: 英文
  • 頁數: 440
  • 裝訂: Quality Paper - also called trade paper
  • ISBN: 1680509349
  • ISBN-13: 9781680509342
  • 相關分類: Functional-programming
  • 立即出貨 (庫存 < 4)



Put the power of Haskell to work in your programs, learning from an engineer who uses Haskell daily to get practical work done efficiently. Leverage powerful features like Monad Transformers and Type Families to build useful applications. Realize the benefits of a pure functional language, like protecting your code from side effects. Manage concurrent processes fearlessly. Apply functional techniques to working with databases and building RESTful services. Don't get bogged down in theory, but learn to employ advanced programming concepts to solve real-world problems. Don't just learn the syntax, but dive deeply into Haskell as you build efficient, well-tested programs.

Haskell is a pure functional programming language with a rich ecosystem of tools and libraries. Designed to push the boundaries of programming, it offers unparalleled power for building reliable and maintainable systems. But to unleash that power, you need a guide. Effective Haskell is that guide. Written by an engineer who understands how to apply Haskell to the real world and uses it daily to get practical work done, it is your ticket to Haskell mastery.

Gain deep understanding of how Haskell deals with IO and the outside world by writing a complete Haskell application that does several different kinds of IO. Reinforce your learnings with practice exercises in every chapter.

Write stable and performant code using Haskell's type system, code that is easier to grow and refactor. Leverage the power of pure functional programming to improve collaboration, make concurrency safe and easy, and make large code bases manageable.

Implement type-safe web services, write generative tests, design strongly typed embedded domain-specific languages, and build applications that exploit parallelism and concurrency without fear of deadlocks and race conditions. Create and deploy cloud-native Haskell applications. Master the performance characteristics of functional applications to make them run faster and use less memory.

Write Haskell programs that solve real-world business problems.

What You Need:


  • Intel based Mac, M1 Macs, Linux PC, or Windows with WSL2
  • ghcup (http: //www. Haskell.org/ghcup/)
  • An active internet connection will be required for some projects.


將Haskell的強大功能應用於您的程式中,從一位每天使用Haskell進行實際工作的工程師那裡學習。利用Monad Transformers和Type Families等強大功能來建立有用的應用程式。體驗純函數語言的好處,例如保護您的程式免受副作用的影響。無畏地管理並行處理。應用函數式技術來處理資料庫和建立RESTful服務。不要陷入理論中,而是學習如何應用高級編程概念來解決現實世界的問題。不僅僅學習語法,還要深入探索Haskell,並建立高效且經過良好測試的程式。

Haskell是一種純函數式編程語言,擁有豐富的工具和庫生態系統。設計用於推動編程的界限,它提供了無與倫比的能力,用於構建可靠且易於維護的系統。但要發揮這種能力,您需要一個指南。《Effective Haskell》就是這個指南。由一位了解如何將Haskell應用於現實世界並每天使用它進行實際工作的工程師撰寫,它是您掌握Haskell的入場券。通過編寫一個完成多種不同類型IO的完整Haskell應用程式,深入了解Haskell如何處理IO和外部世界。在每個章節中通過練習題強化您的學習。




- 基於Intel的Mac、M1 Mac、Linux PC或安裝了WSL2的Windows
- ghcup(http://www.Haskell.org/ghcup/)
- 對於某些專案,需要有活動的網路連接。


Rebecca Skinner is a software engineer with over 10 years of experience in Haskell and functional programming across industries including security, cloud infrastructure, and data science. She currently volunteers as a member of the Haskell.org committee.


Rebecca Skinner 是一位軟體工程師,擁有超過10年的Haskell和函數式編程經驗,涵蓋了安全、雲基礎架構和數據科學等多個行業。她目前擔任Haskell.org委員會的志願成員。