Pragmatic Scala: Create Expressive, Concise, and Scalable Applications (Paperback)

Venkat Subramaniam

  • 出版商: Pragmatic Bookshelf
  • 出版日期: 2015-10-20
  • 定價: $1,200
  • 售價: 9.5$1,140
  • 語言: 英文
  • 頁數: 288
  • 裝訂: Paperback
  • ISBN: 1680500546
  • ISBN-13: 9781680500547
  • 相關分類: JVM 語言
  • 相關翻譯: Scala實用指南 (簡中版)
  • 立即出貨 (庫存=1)



Our industry is moving toward functional programming, but your object-oriented experience is still valuable. Scala combines the power of OO and functional programming, and Pragmatic Scala shows you how to work effectively with both. Updated to Scala 2.11, with in-depth coverage of new features such as Akka actors, parallel collections, and tail call optimization, this book will show you how to create stellar applications.

This thorough introduction to Scala will get you coding in this powerful language right away. You'll start from the familiar ground of Java and, with easy-to-follow examples, you'll learn how to create highly concise and expressive applications with Scala. You'll find out when and how to mix both imperative and functional style, and how to use parallel collections and Akka actors to create high-performance concurrent applications that effectively use multicore processors.

Scala has evolved since the first edition of this book, and Pragmatic Scala is a significant update. We've revised each chapter, and added three new chapters and six new sections to explore the new features in Scala. You'll learn how to:

Safely manage concurrency with parallel collections and Akka actors

Create expressive readable code with value classes and improved implicit conversions

Create strings from data with no sweat using string interpolation

Create domain-specific languages

* Optimize your recursions with tail call optimization

Whether you're interested in creating concise, robust single-threaded applications or highly expressive, thread-safe concurrent programs, this book has you covered.

What You Need:

The Scala compiler (2.x) and the JDK are required to make use of the concepts and the examples in this book.


我們的行業正朝向函數式編程發展,但你的面向對象的經驗仍然很有價值。Scala結合了面向對象和函數式編程的優勢,《Pragmatic Scala》將向你展示如何有效地使用這兩種編程風格。本書已更新至Scala 2.11版本,深入介紹了新功能,如Akka actors、並行集合和尾調用優化,將向你展示如何創建出色的應用程序。

這本全面介紹Scala的書籍將讓你立即開始使用這個強大的語言進行編程。你將從熟悉的Java開始,通過易於理解的示例,學習如何使用Scala創建高度簡潔和表達性強的應用程序。你將了解何時以及如何混合使用命令式和函數式風格,以及如何使用並行集合和Akka actors創建高性能的並發應用程序,充分利用多核處理器。

Scala自本書第一版以來已經發展了許多,《Pragmatic Scala》是一次重大更新。我們對每一章進行了修訂,並新增了三個新章節和六個新節點,以探索Scala的新功能。你將學習如何:

- 使用並行集合和Akka actors安全地管理並發性
- 使用值類和改進的隱式轉換創建表達性強的可讀代碼
- 使用字符串插值輕鬆創建字符串
- 創建特定領域的語言
- 使用尾調用優化優化遞歸

