Make: Volume 87
暫譯: Make: 第87卷

Dougherty, Dale

  • 出版商: Make Community, LLC
  • 出版日期: 2023-12-19
  • 定價: $600
  • 售價: 9.5$570
  • 語言: 英文
  • 頁數: 128
  • 裝訂: Quality Paper - also called trade paper
  • ISBN: 1680458221
  • ISBN-13: 9781680458220
  • 相關分類: ArduinoRaspberry Pi
  • 立即出貨(限量) (庫存=1)



Boards are back and more powerful than ever! With fresh offerings from Arduino and Raspberry Pi and powerhouse boards like DFRobot's LattePanda Sigma and Nvidia's Jetson Orin Nano, itÃ?Â[â?¬â?Â[s easier than ever to put epic computing power for your next project in the palm of your hand.

In this issue of Make: we track new trends in microcontrollers and single board computers, and show you the ones we're most excited about. And if you still can't find the right board for you, we show you how to design and manufacture your own custom chips for cheap! Next, use machine learning and Particle to automagically unmute your mic when someone says "You're muted!" Then, use a Waveshare RP2040 board to build a mini oscilloscope for your workbench for about $25.

Annual Boards Guide: Meet the hottest new boards, and compare specs for 80] microcontrollers and single board computers in our annual comparison guide.

Plus, 31 projects:
  • Craft an illuminated, animated, tessellated tote bag using LED pebble lights and 3D-printed fabric
  • Build an optical transmitter for covert communication
  • Sew a soft touch panel matrix for wearable electronics
  • Super-size classic wooden Froebel blocks for a fun playground experience
  • Harvest disposable vape batteries and give e-waste a 2nd life
  • Build a metal detector circuit, 3D print a Kirby fume extractor, or laser-cut an emoji fortune teller
  • And much more!


開發板回歸,功能比以往更強大! 隨著 Arduino 和 Raspberry Pi 的新產品推出,以及 DFRobot 的 LattePanda Sigma 和 Nvidia 的 Jetson Orin Nano 等強大開發板,將驚人的計算能力放在你下一個專案的掌心中變得比以往更容易。

在本期的 Make: 中,我們追蹤微控制器和單板電腦的新趨勢,並展示我們最感興趣的產品。如果你仍然找不到適合你的開發板,我們將教你如何以低成本設計和製造自己的自訂晶片!接下來,使用機器學習和 Particle 來 自動 解除靜音,當有人說「你已靜音!」時,讓你的麥克風恢復音量。然後,使用 Waveshare RP2040 開發板為你的工作台建造一個迷你示波器,成本約為 25 美元。

年度開發板指南: 了解最新的熱門開發板,並在我們的年度比較指南中比較 80 種微控制器和單板電腦的規格。

此外,還有 31 個專案:

  • 使用 LED 鵝卵石燈和 3D 列印布料製作一個發光的動畫拼貼手提袋
  • 建造一個用於隱秘通信的光學發射器
  • 縫製一個可穿戴電子產品的柔性觸控面板矩陣
  • 將經典的木製 Froebel 積木放大,打造有趣的遊樂場體驗
  • 回收一次性電子煙電池,給電子廢物第二次生命
  • 建造金屬探測器電路、3D 列印 Kirby 抽煙器,或激光切割表情符號算命機
  • 還有更多!